A restaurateur with a liquor license doesn’t sleep easy. The wine may complement the menu, and the cocktails may bring folks in the door. But, every cent a customer spends, an employee earns, or an owner invests is subject to audit. This is why its a great idea to have restaurant business loans ready when funds are needed quickly.
What Is A Comptroller?
You may not be familiar with what a comptroller is or what they do in. However, this will not excuse you from paying the comptroller tax. That is why it is important to understand. A comptroller is the one responsible for a state’s finances, all the way from the high street to the suburbs and in between. They act as a tax collector, chief accountant, chief revenue estimator and chief treasurer for state government. In some states, they are also responsible for administering other programs. Now that you know what they do, you should learn what comptroller tax audits look like to help yourself prepare for the worst.
What You Need To Know About Comptroller Tax Audits
Comptrollers are state officers whose duties may vary slightly from state to state, but typically they collect state revenue, track expenditures, and monitor the financial condition of businesses owing revenue to the state.
According to Comptroller.Texas.Gov, for example, it’s their job “to determine if businesses have properly collected, reported and paid state taxes.”
They try to determine if taxes have been charged and paid correctly. It can be a negative experience for the restaurateur if the owner has been processing revenue and taxes incorrectly or illegally.
But, it can be positively informative if it reveals potential errors or inefficiencies.
Online Payments
Online payments for comptroller taxes are available in many states. This is a convenient choice for restaurateurs and a wealth engine for the state. You already have very limited time. You will not be happy paying your comptroller tax no matter what. But at least this way, you can do it on your own time in no time at all. Check to see whether online comptroller tax payments are available in your state if you need to pay them.
What Auditors Need
Auditors love paper. They want to see journals and records, ad valorem and occupation tax records, bills and receipts, and payroll reports and taxes to prove there is now fraud triangle to worry about.
They may also want to access insurance, deeds, licenses, city and county tax records, and business policies and procedures. There are also point-of-sale records, equity obligations, debt vehicles, and more.
What Auditors Look For
Comptroller Tax audits follow a discipline that they must document and account for. But, it may still leave you wondering. But, there are red flags you want to avoid.
If your lifestyle is bigger than your storefront, you may be in trouble,
If the business handles a disproportionate volume in cash, it could mean you are laundering it or letting it slip under the tax table.
If you are writing off car, dining, travel, and entertaining expenses, you had better document the events, place, and people.
If you employ staff, you must pay them correctly, fairly, accurately, and timely. You also have to substantiate payment of tips and taxes.
If you pay for marketing, keep records of all advertising payments and services. This is also something you should do when you get cash advance for your restaurant expenses.
What They Look For In Alcohol Records
In most states the comptroller tax audits are connected with the state’s alcohol control commission. So, as long as hands touch alcohol, you need to maintain and provide adequate records.
For example, according to the Texas Comptroller’s office, “Texas imposes both a gross receipts tax and a sales tax on the amount received from the sale, preparation or service of mixed beverages and from the sale, preparation or service of ice or nonalcoholic beverages that are sold, prepared or served for the purpose of being mixed with an alcoholic beverage and consumed on the premises of the mixed beverage permittee.”
This rule, alone, applies to licensed owners of restaurants, bars, clubs, and lounges mixed drinks. It requires them to keep records on those alcoholic drink transactions in addition to routine sales taxed transactions.
What You Can Expect
Typically, an auditor will request something like a “desk audit” which requires you to provide documentation the office specifies. While it may seem demanding, the more ready you are able to meet the order in detail, the more likely you are to avoid or forestall a full blown audit.
Visits to observe bartender performance, investigations into point-of-sale records, checks on internal controls, and reconciliation of restaurant sales gross receipts and sales tax may all value.
If you want to rest easy and maybe even take a break from your alcohol-related business, you need to have a comptroller tax audit defense law firm on speed dial. This way, you will not have to worry about finding lawsuit loans in the future.