Every marketing professional knows the value of social media in building an email list. Facebook currently has over 1.5 billion users. Reaching these users to market your product or service is the goal of every business. But simply having a Facebook page for your business is not enough. Here we’re going to look at five strategies to get your company’s Facebook page to grow out your email list.
Use Discription Links
What’s the first thing that potential customers see when they view your company’s Facebook page? That’s right, they see a huge cover image of your business, a logo, or a graphic to describe market positioning. Edit your cover photo and profile photo so that they contain a description that links directly to your website’s opt-in form. Facebook users who click on your business’s cover image will be greeted with a call to action that will entice them to follow the link and learn more about your business. If you link to a high-quality opt-in page that makes a compelling pitch, they will provide their email address. This is a great way to find subscribers. Make sure that the images and descriptions you post to Facebook are high quality and project the best image of the business you’re selling, and soon enough users will begin to follow the links to your website and opt in to your email list.
Include An Opt-In Webform
In recent years, developers have created opt-in webforms that can be posted directly to your business’s Facebook page to build your email list. Email sending companies have created forms that allow you to create a post that can be pinned to the top of your companies Facebook feed. An opt-in webform that is embedded on your company’s Facebook page allows you to reach potential customers or clients who are more casual users of Facebook. These users may be less likely to follow a link to an outside website. It also addresses the security concerns that some Facebook users have when it comes to following links to pages they are unfamiliar with. Reaching these casual users is incredibly important in building engagement when growing out your email list.
Track The Performance Of Your Facebook Ads
It goes without saying that you will consider using Facebook ads in building your email list. If you track the performance of your ads and grow your Facebook ad spending in small increments, you will learn an incredible amount of information using AI marketing insights. Naturally, you will learn about what kind of content reaches the customers you are looking for. Facebook provides a piece of code called a tracking pixel to allow you to measure the performance of your ads. Run your ads. Then, wait to see how many conversions you make. Note how much you’ve grown your email list in that time period. Make small adjustments to see what you can change. Knowing exactly how many conversions you get per ad helps you adjust your marketing strategy. Try video ads, image-heavy ads, or compelling writing to see which approaches work best in attracting users. Knowing how your ads are performing is vital to building your email list with Facebook ads.
Use Groups And Engage With Users
So far, the strategies we’ve outlined for growing your email list on Facebook have been passive. Now it’s time to actively engage on the platform. Find groups relevant to your business’s target market and join them. These can be geographic, for instance, or related directly to the kind of products or services your business offers. Next, engage with other users. Be proactive and contribute to the group. If the group allows you to do so, link to your company’s Facebook page so potential leads can opt in. This kind of engagement helps your business’s Facebook account remain active and prominent on the platform. This will keep your business’s social media presence relevant and drive Facebook users to your content, which will help grow your email list.
Create Offers And Compelling Content
Keep your company’s Facebook page relevant through compelling content and offers that will generate leads. A page that offers high-quality content that engages users is much more likely to lead to users opting in to your email list. As a result, you will increase your influencer score and reach more people. It can be as simple as regular coupons or offers that entice users to subscribe. Furthermore, you can also create posts that offer thoughts or opinions on topics related to the product or service your company provides. Your engagement will improve with specific and relevant content. This has the added bonus of letting Facebook know that your page is active and relevant, leading to a greater likelihood that outside users will come across your page and add themselves to your email list.
With the right social media strategy, Facebook can be crucial in building an email list. Having a static page and a passive social media strategy is not enough to engage potential subscribers. Use your Facebook page to link to your company’s opt-in page. Or, use the app directly embedded in Facebook to get users to subscribe. Track your Facebook ads to ensure that you’re reaching the right audience with the right kind of content to generate conversions. Be active on the platform and use groups along with compelling content to ensure that users visit your page. With these strategies, it’s possible to build your email list at a very fast rate.