So, you want to break into the exciting world owning your own small business. It is a popular thought to have these days, and Colleges and Universities all over the country have obliged, creating Entrepreneurship degrees in their business schools to train the next generation of start-up founders. However, before you join what has become the third most popular major for current college students, there are five things you should investigate that may change which, if any, degree program you join.
Balance Between Classroom And On-site Experience
Internships and on-site experience are quickly becoming the must have thing for any graduate looking to break into his or her first job. In the end while in classroom instruction is useful in many ways, it can never replace learning in the moment. As a result, it is very important to make sure the degree program gives you multiple internship opportunities and encourages outside learning as an integral part of its program.
Extra (But Not Unnecessary) Curriculars
One needs only think back to the number a start-ups literally started up over a meal in the dining hall or a study session in the library to understand that the strength of a good college is not just in its classrooms. Looking at what student life offers is very important. From guest lectures, to clubs, to what the student body gets done in their own time; a student often learns more outside the classroom then in it. After all, most people say the network is what makes an MBA degree worth it. If the school doesn’t have a robust student business life, it might better to look elsewhere.
Other Work Opportunities
While all would-be entrepreneurs dream of the moment their business takes off, it’s also nice to know that other options exist out there. Graduates with Entrepreneurship degrees regularly find work in roles like mid-level management, recruiting, business consulting, and Market Analysis. It’s always good to dream big, but whether you need more time to get your company off the ground, or realize maybe the start-up life isn’t for you, an entrepreneurship degree comes with lots of opportunities for good employment.
Should You Get A Degree At All?
However, it’s also important to ask yourself, is going for a four-year business degree the best use of your money and time. Plenty of entrepreneurs have succeeded without any higher degree, and an entrepreneurship diploma certainly doesn’t carry any guarantee of success. Much of these questions can only be answered by each individual applicant and ultimately every person will have a unique experience. It may be a good idea to investigate other options, such as an associate degree or going for another type of four-year degree that would improve a related skill to your business idea.
Make Your Own Path
The phrase you’ll keep hearing throughout your searching process for this, or frankly any degree, is “This degree is worth what you make of it” or some variation on this. This is a convenient way for people to acknowledge that right now there are few statistics to support whether these degrees actually affect the outcome positively. While repetitive, this advice is none the less also true. Whether you choose to take an entrepreneurship degree or not, you must be proactive in building a business. Use your years at college to network, learn, meet interesting people, and experience new perspectives. Doing this will guarantee that the time isn’t wasted.
These tips can help you in your research and development, but always remember that at the end of the day this is down to you. The difference between the entrepreneur and the average businessperson is that the entrepreneur has an idea that they believe in so hard they are prepared to risk everything for it. Only you can say if you’re one of these people but it’s not a degree that makes you one, its you.