Negotiating commercial loans are a common part of any business. Securing a low interest rate for such a loan can seem daunting. Banks spend a lot of time working out commercial interest rate. For a small business owner looking for a commercial loan or mortgage, the process can seem overwhelming. While commercial rates are generally lower than the ace cash advance terms, you still have a wide range of costs. In fact, banks determine commercial interest rates based on a handful of factors. Looking at these factors will ensure your loan will have a fair interest rate.
Market Forces
A key factor to interest rates is what’s going on in the rest of the market. Banks consider who is buying and selling credit. This lets them know how valuable their credit is. Their rates are also affected by the inflation rate the government sets. They need to make sure the interest compensates for inflation over time. This can be difficult, since you can’t control these factors. Watching the greater market can give you a sense of when to consider loans though.
Company History
A bank will carefully look at your company’s track record while determining interest. They’ll want to know about other loans you’ve taken out and if you repaid them without incident. Additionally, the bank will want to know about the general state of your business. They’ll want proof you’re making a profit. In offering a loan, the bank is betting you’ll pay it back. The more proof you can offer to show you can pay it back, the less interest they’ll need to cover their risk.
Loan-To-Value Ratio
A major part of the interest equation is how much the loan will affect the value of your collateral. This is called the loan-to-value ratio. If the loan you’re taking out will expand your business, which is the collateral for a business loan, you have a low loan-to value ratio. The bank will reward such a low ratio with a low interest rate. If your loan is just to cover operating costs, it has a high loan-to-value. It doesn’t improve the collateral, so the bank will set a higher interest rate. If you don’t have enough collateral, you may have to opt for a car title loan. The reason for the loan can often help secure you a lower interest rate.
Money Deposited
Your cash reserve, or how much cash you have in liquid asset, can affect the interest rate. A bank wants to see that you maintain a cash cushion for emergencies. If you have to reallocate every dollar you take in the moment you have it, a cash shortfall could affect your ability to pay back the loan. In general, banks give the best rates to companies that always have enough cash to cover all expenses for three months. That amount should include the loan payments. This cash reserve will show banks they can trust you.
Personal Credit Scores
The banks will even investigate the personal credit scores of you and your business partners. Banks understand the businesses are made up of people. They want proof that your company is run by people who do proper small business bookkeeping and pay their debts. Even if your company has a good track record, the bank may increase your interest rate if you personally have a lot of credit card debt. To get the lowest rate your personal finances will have to be as trustworthy as your company’s are.
Banks consider factors of trust when they determine commercial interest rates for your business. They’ll want to see your company has a good record. They’ll see how they’re loan will be affected by the market. The bank will consider a loan-to-value ratio to judge your reasons for getting a loan. They’ll check that you have a cash reserve. They’ll even make sure your personal finances are right and that you’re personally trustworthy. If you keep these factors in mind when looking for a loan, you can help make sure the bank gives you the low interest rate you deserve.