Are you looking for packing and expert moving tips? When you are packing up your office space in boxes, you could use some tips to avoid damaging your business equipment, devices and infrastructure. If you have moved a business before, then you know that it is a strenuous and tasking process. You need to be prepared if you want the move to go smoothly. Here are several moving tips that will come in handy on office moving day:
Make A List
You need to write everything down if you want the move to be easier. Similar to your project management process, all tasks or items should be listed. Before you pack up the first box, come up with a record keeping system. You can create a numbered list on the computer and leave the contents blank. When you start packing, write a number on every box, and list the contents of that box on the paper. This not only makes it easier to arrange your belongings in the moving van, but it also makes unpacking easier at the office location.
Meet With Employees
Relocating a business should not leave your employees feeling left out of the loop, confused or anxious. Communication skills come in handy during this time. That is why you must have regular meetings with your staff throughout the entire process. Set regular meetings to ensure that employees are aware of the important details about the office relocation. Let them know when and how to pack up their office, among other important details. It is crucial to keep everyone informed to limit stress and have as little an impact as possible on employee productivity.
Have Enough Supplies
You will probably need many boxes if you plan to pack up all your office files, documents and paperwork. Even if you have a strong document management system or cloud storage solution in place, having the right number of boxes will definitely make your life easier. Pack everything before moving day and keep 10 extra boxes aside for the last minute items: office supplies, printers, monitors and interiors. To close the boxes securely, you need a strong plastic tape that will keep them sealed.
When packing fragile items, you should use newspaper or bubble wrap to cushion them. Again, you will need many supplies to ensure that the packing process goes smoothly. If you have leftover supplies after you finish packing, you should return them.
Use Wardrobe Boxes
Wardrobe boxes are great for packing lightweight items such as signs, posters, marketing materials and announcements that need to remain hanging. Do not fill the boxes so much that they become heavy to lift. A few days before you move, fill some shopping bags with name plates and put them at the bottom of the wardrobe box on moving day.
Pack all small desk items tightly to stop them from moving around and falling while moving. When you are done, cover any electrical items or devices with plastic to prevent any water from getting to them. In a way, this is also proper office security practice as you do not want to lose any data while moving. Doing so will ensure that you use fewer boxes and keep your office interiors in excellent condition, making unpacking that much easier.
Color Coordinate
Assign a color to each section of your new office: such as yellow for the accounting department and red for the marketing department. Buy colored stickers and place them on each box – this makes it easier to know which items are in the box. If you cannot remember the color that you assigned to each office, put stickers on the doors.
When the movers reach the destination, they will know where to put the boxes. It will also be helpful to mark the areas on the wall where you want the boxes to be stacked. This keeps them out of the way of traffic areas and business interiors.
Keep Things Together
When you are packing the boxes, make sure that you keep your office products together. Small items can be attached to the item that they go with. Keep all your teleconferencing gadgets and wires together. Keep larger things in re-sealable bags and tape them to the back of the items that they go with.
Pack Ahead
Anything that you pack ahead of time, saves you time on the day of the move. For instance, if it is winter, pack your accounts files for the rest of the year ahead of time. If you own more than one cable TV or internet service, you can pack the extra chords and leave one to pack on moving day. Box up all your extra wiring and computer items to be sealed the last week.
Combine Your Cleaning Supplies
If you have to clean the old office before moving out, put aside a few cleaning supplies and rags. If possible, clean some areas before moving day to lessen your workload on that day. This is especially true for a medical office. After the movers get everything out of the office, vacuum each room and dust the surfaces.