How To Open A Business In Spain As Foreign Investment

Every year, more and more foreign investors move to Spain for living or to start a new business. This immigration results in an increase of demands in services of all types as well as in industry, commerce, tourism etc. Certainly, a growing country benefits from people coming into the borders and contributing to the economy. While many countries have a trade deficit, Spain presents opportunity for international expansion. Moreover, the national and international quality products are also in high demand as they are seen as attractive business opportunities.

Investing In The Spanish Market

The Spanish market is always open for anyone who wants to start their own business there. It is known well that setting up a company in Spain is not a straightforward. In many other countries, it is a simple process with the help on an accountant. Many foreign investors are looking to get into the Spanish market by searching for a cheap small business for sale in Spain. These businesses are growing and present an opportunity for growth in the market.

Requirements To Do Business In Spain

Next, you need to learn what is required to open a business in Spain. You should also keep in mind that there are many bureaucratic obstacles and a lot of paper work, which has to be resolved before you can start doing business. That is why it is recommended to find a cheap business for sale. Purchase of a ready-made company can help you make the process of starting a business in Spain much easier. You can skip all the formation requirements because the company is already established.

Finding A Small Business In Spain

To get started, you should take some time and to look at several small businesses for sale. Before choosing a business to purchase, you also have to take into consideration the number of competitors in the area you are going to carry out your activity, the number of possible customers and the amount of taxes to be paid. The small business is a key element of the Spanish economy and if you analyze specifics of this country, your business can be successful.

Buying A Small Business In Spain

The advantage of buying an already registered small business in Spain is transferable permits and licenses. Of course, it helps if you find some with good company names. These assets transfer when ownership of the company changes. This can save a lot of time and resources of the new business owner to establish a valid company. Therefore, you can start operating the business without much paperwork and bureaucracy. Although all of the documents are transferred to the new owner, you still have to keep everything up to date. Thus, you should pay all the relevant fees, taxes and charges that are owed to the government on an ongoing basis. It is worth to remember that if you buy an already existing business, you do not only inherit the valid permissions and other documents but also all outstanding debts and taxes.

Negotiating A Small Business Sale

Is small business in Spain is really cheap? The prices can vary a lot depending on the place of registration of the company being purchased. By looking at different options, you will be able to compare prices, locations and quality between different establishments. Be careful when negotiating the price of the business. The cheaper price can signal about some hot button issues and problems of the purchased company. It is therefore very important to have the company audited and make sure that all the papers are in order and that the business has paid all taxes, wages and outstanding debts. Otherwise you as the new owner will be liable economically and legally. So, as you see before you sign any contract, there are still a number of important things to clear out. That is why due diligence of the business being purchased is strongly recommended in this case.

Opening A Business In Spain

When you find the right business to purchase in Spain, you should submit an offer. If it is accepted, both parties will sign a purchase contract to transfer the company in your name. Once this happens, you will able to start your business in Spain relatively quickly. It’s a great way to avoid all the red tape of expanding a business into Spain.

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