Timeline management directly impacts a project’s success rate. For many project managers, like yourself, managing timelines is the most difficult task to perform. You must use the expectations of both stakeholders and clients to create a timeline for your team to follow. At times, the expectations seem far too high to develop a functioning schedule with remote work and in-house team members. Fortunately, you can meet those expectations with the right techniques. Continue reading for the best timeline management techniques to guarantee project success.
Work Backwards
Consider how influential working backwards is when developing a project timeline. First, determine your ideal completion date. Then, work backwards by recognizing what needs to come before each task. By working backwards, you can think of every necessary assignment more efficiently. For instance, a project manager working to complete a website’s development should start with the website’s launch date. Then, determine the step that must come directly before finishing the final product. You are more likely to see the smaller details in the bigger picture, which will assist you in developing an accurate timeline management process.
Identify The Critical Path
Another timeline management technique that enhances productivity is to identify the Critical Path. The Critical Path Method entails discovering which tasks are crucial to completing an entire project. Make a list of all of these tasks. In doing so, you can better understand how one task will affect another and write a list of task dependencies. Along with these project management tips, you can plan for any issues that may arise. You can prepare yourself for the worst when you understand how an issue with one assignment can unravel another. Such preparation increases the probability of remaining on schedule.
Incorporate Slack Time
Many project managers fail to allot buffer times in their timelines. However, the incorporation of slack time is a timeline management technique that promotes a more productive team. Teams often deal with setbacks during project execution. For example, a project team could undergo a failure and lose some of their funding. As a result, they have to either work around the loss of finances or uncover another way to obtain the funding. Either way, the process will take more time than initially anticipated. Without slack time incorporated, the team’s timeline will fall apart. Refrain from creating this result for yourself and, instead, set aside time for issues. In the event that you do not run into any obstacles, you will simply finish ahead of schedule. Early completion will impress clients and stakeholders. Use this technique to optimize your timeline management.
Communicate With Your Team
Also, communicate with your team on a regular basis to optimize your timeline management. As soon as you develop a project timeline, meet with your team. Request each team member’s input as to whether the timeline seems feasible. If any one of your team members has doubts about completing a task in the time you have allotted, consider modifying your plans. Ask your team members if they can think of any other milestones that should be present as well. When managers interact well with their team, they create a better work environment that results in more productive work days.
Include Ideal Task Duration
The best timeline management processes include ideal task duration. Many team members do not have a clear understanding of how long each task should be taking them. If they feel that they have completed a task early, they could assume they are ahead of schedule and slack off. To eliminate this possibility, provide time frames for each task assigned to every individual. When completed on time, provide some employee recognition. The more your team members understand what you are looking for, the better they can execute your plans. Team members who have a clear understanding are more productive.
Guarantee project success with the best timeline management techniques. Firstly, experiment with starting your timeline at the end and working backwards. Use the Critical Path Method to determine task dependencies and plan for them. Include slack time into your project timelines to ensure timely completions. Communicate with your team to create a productive work environment and receive feedback on your plans. In addition, provide team members with ideal task duration so they can stick to schedule. These are all timeline management techniques that improve productivity.