Being a business owner requires a lot of multi-tasking, especially when practicing lean management. You may have several projects at once, all of equal importance. Sometimes you will need to manage multiple projects of varying importance at once. For either situation, here are the top five tips on successfully managing multiple projects.
Make A List
Before you start managing multiple projects, you should create a list of all the projects you will be working on. List the project, the client and the deadline. You may also wish to add key people involved in each project. Keep this list somewhere near your workstation. This way, you can keep track of all your projects on a daily basis. While making your list, you may be able to prioritize based on deadlines and the importance of each project. No matter how many projects you have, the first step in managing multiple projects is to make a list.
Use Scheduling Apps
Managing multiple projects inevitably means that your schedule is constantly changing, no matter what your personal management style is. Keeping up with the constant edits needed in a physical planner is time-consuming and often falls by the wayside. Instead, consider managing resources across multiple projects by downloading a scheduling app like Resource Guru or similar. The drag and drop scheduling features make it easy to make changes to existing appointments and meetings. If you really want to manage multiple projects effectively, you are going to need to save time wherever possible. Downloading a scheduling app will help you do just that.
Be Generous With Time Requirements
When discussing deadlines with clients, add 20% to however long you think the project will take to complete. By doing so, you allow yourself a cushion to catch up should you fall behind. Managing multiple projects can be difficult if you do not allow yourself ample time to complete them all. Another advantage to adding 20% to your expected time frame is that if you finish early, it looks good to your client. It is always better to under promise and over deliver. When managing multiple projects, make sure your are generous when quoting expected completion times.
Learn To Say No
It is okay to say no. In business, we tend to say yes to as many opportunities as possible. We want to please everyone and anyone because of the rise in the need for business collaboration. When managing multiple projects, you have to learn to say no. If you continue to say yes to everything that comes your way, you are going to be overwhelmed. You will inevitably fall behind. It is better to politely say no to a project than to say yes and realize later than you cannot complete it in time. When managing multiple projects, learn to say no, but do so nicely.
Delegate Responsibly
Back when you made your list of projects, you may have identified key people involved. If not, now is an excellent time to do so. When managing multiple projects, be sure to delegate tasks to team members. This will help you to achieve your goals in a timely manner. Make sure you delegate responsibly to highlight strengths among your team. Avoid delegating to team members that may hinder the project. In addition, it is important to remember not to micromanage along the way. This will only drive you and your team members crazy. When managing multiple projects, be sure to delegate tasks responsibly.
Communicate Frequently
When managing multiple projects, you have to be able to communicate effectively. Be clear with your team members regarding roles and client expectations. Allow team members to ask questions along the way. They will be better able to make valuable contributions to the project. With your client, be sure to communicate in a timely fashion. Communicate as frequently as necessary. If there are challenges along the way, let your client know as they arise. This way there are no surprises come deadline time. When managing multiple projects, make sure you are communicating with your team and your client every step of the way.
Managing multiple projects successfully in your business can be a daunting task. However, it is vital to most businesses. Rarely will you be able to focus all your attention on one project. It is important to master the art of multi-tasking. When managing multiple projects, take time to prepare at the beginning. Remember this list of the top five tips to successfully managing multiple projects. You will be sure to impress your clients and employees alike.
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