Business greeting cards connect businesses with their clients. A well-chosen greeting card can make your loyal customers feel cherished. This will certainly improve customer relationships and help you in getting more sales throughout the year. You may be looking for some small business ideas for holiday greeting cards. To this end, here are some helpful tips to choose and send the best business greeting cards.
Clients’ Preferences Matter Most
The main aim of greeting cards is to make your clients feel special. Before selecting a business greeting card, you should find out their taste and preferences. The choice of your clients will depend on the type of business you are running. Do you cater to children or youngsters? Or, is your business serving stylish socialites? Selecting greeting cards that are relevant to your client’s social standing, age, profession or lifestyle shows that you care about them personally. Of course, a business greeting card that appeals to clients have a better impact, gaining their appreciation much easier than social media customer service ever could.
Remember International Etiquette
Depending on where you conduct your business, you may need to be bit more informed about certain international holiday customs and traditions. For example, if you are doing business in the Middle East it would not make sense to send a holiday scene that includes snow covered evergreen trees. You want your clients to be able to relate to the scene on the card you are sending. It may be difficult to meet all different cultural expectations if you do business in many areas of the world. In that case, it may be in your best interest to design several holiday cards for business.
Do Not Compromise On Quality
If you send shabby or low quality business greeting cards, your clients will not like it. You do not need marketing research to tell you that. They may even discard them without a second glance. As a result, your marketing dollars and effort will be wasted. If you truly want to make the clients feel valued, do not compromise on the quality of business greeting cards. Sending business greeting cards, printed on premium quality paper, shows how much you appreciate your clients.
Pay Careful Attention to Branding
The objective of sending business greeting cards is to improve customer relationships. Additionally, those relationships boosts sales volumes and increase revenues. To fulfill these goals, the business greeting card should reflect your brand. It should remind customers of your company. A business logo, personalized message, customized photos and graphics all help in branding your cards. For the best results, experts agree that they should represent the overall image of your business.
Order Business Greeting Cards Early
To make the most of business greeting cards, you have to order them early. Stop wasting time. Being ahead will leave sufficient time to personalize and mail them. If you send the business greeting cards late, the customers may not get them. It is in your best interest to mail greeting cards a few weeks before a holiday. For example, Christmas business cards should be sent out in the first week of December. To get the job done smoothly, give yourself plenty of time by ordering early.
Don Not Hurt Religious Beliefs
Many times, the religious beliefs of your customers, can differ from yours. Choose a neutral, tasteful and subtle holiday business greeting card. Using a neutral card will avoid mistaking anyone’s religious sentiments. There are many generic cards that still make your customers feel appreciated.
Use Names
People like to be addressed by name. It makes them feel special to be remembered and called out. That is why calling a person by name is such an important part of providing great customer service. Make sure you use names on your greeting cards if it is at all possible. This will help you to form strong working relationships with all of your business network. It will also make your business greetings much more personal, which will help you to stand out from the many other holiday cards everyone gets. This is an easy thing to do that can greatly improve the returns from your business holiday cards.
Try To Stand Out
During holiday seasons, your customers probably get tons of business greeting cards. You can stand out from the crowd by sending out business greeting cards on Thanksgiving or New Years. Instead of doing a traditional Christmas time business card, you will catch customers during a time where your greeting card with thank you sayings gets more attention. Of course, you can always do multiple mailings.
Business greeting cards are great tools to maintain relationships. Even if you are working from home to get them done, it is worth it. They remind customers about your business and make clients feel appreciated. Moreover, business greeting cards can increase long term sales. Just remember, order them early, keep them high quality and try to stand out in the process.