Once a business starts making money, you need to have an accounting system in place. In fact, you should probably have an accounting system in place long before you ever need one. But, some business owners put off the task of finding the best system to manage business accounting tasks. Oftentimes this is done out of necessity, not neglect. If you are one of those small business owners who has yet to consider the different types of accounting systems to decide on the best fit for your company, keep reading below. Here, we talk about the most common types of accounting systems in use today to help you organize and better manage your business finances for many years of successful operation.
Not-For-Profit Accounting
Non-profit accounting is done using an entirely different system than other for-profit strategies. This is certainly something to note if you own a non-profit organization. Not-for-profit accounting systems are required to track expenditures much more closely than private sector businesses. This requirement helps non-profit organizations provide transparency to donors regarding where their donations are being spent. It also helps a non-profit keep a record of donations made by each and every donor. Unless you own a not-for-profit however, this is not an accounting system that you will ever find use for.
Management Accounting
Management accounting systems are used to gather and record financial data that will be used for internal operational reports. When using a management accounting system, keeping track of cost accounting and target costing will be necessary. This data will provide the business insight that will inform your best business decisions. Management accountants are responsible for creating the budgets and forecasts that enable a business to plan for the future. This is one type of accounting that may only be necessary if you own a large business. Regardless, businesses of all sizes can benefit from the financial analysis management accounting systems provide.
Project Accounting
Project accounting is a system that tracks financial progress regarding a particular project. The financial performance of a project is tracked constantly. Then, that data is put into financial reports to help ensure effective project management. Project management is worthless without a project accounting system in place. Without those financial reports, project managers would not know how the project is doing in terms of financial progress. That can have disastrous implications for project outcomes. If you own a business that utilizes a project-based work approach, you definitely want to have a project accounting system in place.
Inventory Accounting
Inventory accounting systems help a business track inventory levels to manage inventory-related activities. This type of accounting, along with manufacturing accounting, makes it possible to plan inventory restocks. It can also help businesses track inventory as it moves throughout a warehouse and out to the customer. Inventory systems use bar codes and RFID technology to improve inventory management processes throughout an entire organization. If your business needs some help with inventory management tasks, be sure to start using an inventory accounting system as soon as possible to fix these issues.
Tax Accounting
Some form of tax accounting system should be in place at every business. No business owner wants to mess around with their taxes and draw the ire of the IRS. Tax accounting helps a business ensure proper compliance with tax regulations. These accounting systems also make it easier to file taxes in a timely fashion and without error. This way, you never have to worry about missing another S corp filing deadline in your life. They estimate your business tax liability, making it possible to plan for taxes in advance. If you do not already have a tax accountant for your business, make sure you get one on staff as soon as possible.
If you are a small business owner, you may not have felt like your company actually needed to have a real accounting system in place just yet. But, having a uniform accounting framework in place will save your business money in the long run. The best accounting systems can even help you fix inventory management problems and avoid costly tax mistakes. Consider the different types of business accounting strategies mentioned above to help you determine the best system to help you better manage business finances.
Photo from http://www.pcg-services.com/key-roles-accounting-department/