If you are good at inspiring people and really love interacting with all walks of life, becoming a life coach may be the best decision you ever make. However, it could also be the worst if you do not know the first thing you are doing. As long as you have an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for inspiring others to live their best lives, you can experience success in the life coaching industry. Find out how to become a life coach in five simple steps, below.
Do You Have What It Takes?
The first step to becoming a life coach is to determine whether or not you have the skills. After all, it requires much different skills than learning how to become a CEO. Life coaching services are much more than just giving a pick-me-up speech every once in awhile. You must have a high emotional intelligence. You should be learned in active listening skills, entrepreneurial skills, organizational skills, personal growth and self awareness. You should also have a deep sense of caring for and curiosity towards people from all walks of life. These skills and traits are a must if you want to become a life coach.
Take A Training Course
If you want to have credibility, you need to attend a life coach training program. There are over 150 coach training programs that are accredited by the International Coach Federation. These programs will provide you the highest quality training. This will help you to become one of the best life coaches in the business. It will also provide you credentials that will be useful throughout your career. Make sure to take a life coach training course if you are serious about your pursuit.
Identify Your Specialty
There are all different types of life coaches. You should definitely identify a coaching niche to focus on. This will help you to hone your skills to become the best in your field. It will also provide credibility when potential clients are looking for life coaching services. After all, a marketing company for print will offer different services than an internet marketing business, right? Pick an area that you know the most about and have the highest degree of skill in. This will set your future life coaching business up for long-term success.
Join ICF
If you want to establish credibility as a life coach, you need to join the International Coach Federation or a similar organization. The ICF is the largest organization of professional trained coaches globally. ICF membership will also grant you access to local and global networking opportunities, business development training and marketing education. In addition, it provides you access to research and resources to help you become one of the best life coaches in the business. This is a must for long-term business success.
Start Coaching
Now, it is finally time to start coaching for money! At this point, it will be crucial to market your business. Get your business listing into as many life coaching directories as possible. Advertise locally among businesses in the area. Consider getting a trade show booth at a local event. Once you get the word out about your business, make sure to provide the best services possible. This way, you will have no issues with customer retention. This will also gain your free peer-to-peer marketing from existing clients. At this point, you will have finally realized your dream of becoming a life coach. Congrats!
If you want to learn how to become a life coach, follow the step by step guide above. These directions will help you to establish a life coaching business with credibility and high-quality services. Make sure to also consider the legal business side of the operation, as well. Then, you are sure to start a life coaching business that is set up for long-term growth and success. Good luck!
Photo from https://www.tonyrobbins.com/coaching/