5 Design Features The Best B2B Ecommerce Sites Have

In order for ecommerce stores to excel in the online world, they need specific B2B ecommerce sites features. That way, they can use the top expert site optimization tips and start ranking on search engines. As a B2B online seller, you need to implement a variety of features into your website design if you want to increase your reach and drive sales. You may have hired a great web designer who created a page that is aesthetically pleasing enough to impress business owners. Unfortunately, a great appearance is not enough to join the best B2B online stores at the top of the industry. Read this post to learn about the top design features the best B2B ecommerce sites have.

Customer Registration

Firstly, customer registration is a crucial design feature that successful online stores implement. After all, most business owners prefer to create their own accounts when purchasing products and/or services for their companies. They usually feel that their information is more protected that way. Additionally, they know that they can save themselves from wasting time by having to input their billing and shipping information each time they make a purchase from your store. Plus, this feature allows you to keep track of your customers more easily. You can also target them more efficiently because you store their previous purchases and search histories. Keep this in mind when improving your own B2B ecommerce site to drive more sales.

Customer Specific Pricing

The top B2B ecommerce sites also have customer specific pricing. This feature benefits both your customers and your brand. Many B2B online stores offer certain types of businesses better pricing than others. This feature enables ecommerce store owners to set various base prices in their catalogs. Then, they can place each of their business-owning customers into a group and assign them to a specific base price. This B2B ecommerce sites feature allows you to offer your customers a personalized experience, which drives more sales.

Sophisticated Search

Additionally, include a sophisticated search in your B2B ecommerce site. Contrary to many ecommerce business owners, offering visitors a simple search tool is not enough to beat out competition. You need an advanced, sophisticated search to simplify the navigation process of your site. This feature enables prospective customers to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. Even if they spell a word wrong, your site will show them suggestions based on their search. Your business owner customers will appreciate this considering they do not have a lot of time to spend searching for products and services in the first place. For this reason, many ecommerce site owners think of their web designs as a traditional business owner would think of their office design. Both need to be easy to navigate to, well-organized and clean. If you want to satisfy your customers, include this B2B ecommerce sites feature in your own website.

Bulk Ordering

Successful B2B ecommerce sites also have bulk ordering. This is a crucial feature to include because most business owners purchase more than just a few products at once. Most of these customers do not want to waste their time selecting each and every product that they need from your store. If you want to make the process easier for your prospective customers, include a bulk ordering form on your site. Then, your customers can use part numbers listed in your ordering form to purchase products in bulk quickly. Simplify the ordering process by offering visitors this B2B ecommerce sites feature.

In-Depth Product Images

Finally, in-depth product images take B2B ecommerce sites to the next level. The best online stores that target businesses use only the top photographs for their images. After all, business owners do not want to purchase products from a site when they cannot even see what the products look like clearly. More so, poor product images make business owners think that the B2B seller is not as high quality as the competition. Convince your prospective customers to buy from you over other sellers by allowing them to view your products online at multiple angles. Hire a professional photographer to take clear photos and upload them to offer a 360-degree view of each item. Then, you will impress visitors with your B2B ecommerce site.

If you want to upgrade your B2B ecommerce website to drive more sales, you need to start with the most wanted features. Then, you can start to focus on implementing the top B2B promotions ideas. Start by including a customer registration tool and a customer specific pricing feature. Sophisticated search tools allow visitors to find what they are looking for more easily. Bulk ordering is an online store must-have for doing B2B business. Similarly, in-depth product images convince business owners to make purchases. Include these features that the best B2B ecommerce sites have to up your game and earn more profits.

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