As business owners, we know that business cycles happen throughout the economy and being able to get on the right small business trend so your company grows can be a tricky feat. Of course, economists give us forecasts of the economy, so we have a general idea about if we are profitable or not. Right now, the eastern states have a positive outlook because of the Panama Canal widening provides improved port infrastructure thus creating jobs and affects business.
The best part of these business cycles is the beginning trend where the demand is higher and when we get in our businesses grows rapidly to the point where we have to move to bigger offices, or we need to open a second location. Some business cycles are better than others, but the fact is you still have to move, and you have to decide if you want to bring everything in the office with you or if you will put some things in storage, so you can buy newer business equipment. So if you have a business in one of these eastern states with major ports, you will have to find professional NJ movers, NY movers, or FL movers. These states are said to have the biggest impacts.
To help get ready for your move, we will be going over the six best business move hacks.
Six Business Moving Hacks
Create a Schedule So You Don’t Get Overwhelmed
As a business owner you plan ahead on just about everything from meetings, to trips with clients, so why not moving? By planning everything out you can get things done in an orderly fashion so the movers can take your equipment to the next office or put it in storage. This includes looking for new telecom carriers in your new location. Remembering to defrost your refrigerator in the office is a key point after all, when was the last time you cleaned it?
Remember To Change Your Address
You are going to have to inform the government that your business has moved. You will also have to update your address everywhere else as well. This includes marketing materials and pamphlets, applying for a business credit card address change, online search engine listings, paid advertising campaigns and everything else you can image. This is the most important aspect of relocating a business. Keep this in mind.
Take Pictures of Your Computer and Modem Plug Before You Unplug
Most of us have smartphones or a digital camera of some sort. It will make everything easier if you snap a couple of quick shots of what’s plugged in before you take everything apart. This way, you are able to put everything back into place in the new office. This is a great way to protect your office security too.
Plastic Wrap Your File Cabinets – With Everything Inside
With the use of the cloud most businesses have their important files online, but if you’re old-fashioned and like to keep a hard copy, then you will have file cabinets. You can securely ensure the drawers don’t fly open in the moving truck, and this will make it easier for the movers as well. This is a perfect example of how to pack your office.
Think about Purging Old Equipment to Goodwill For the Tax Write Off
It’s great that you want to move your office equipment, but is any of these things older than you are? It might be time to think about giving these items to your local Goodwill store and get a tax write-off. There are many business expense categories that can save you some tax dollars.
Remember to Forward Your Mail
This can slip everyone’s mind when they move, but you should do this a week before you move to your new office to give the post office time to react. Also, you do not want to miss any mail if there are checks coming to your old business address. Sending a business email to recent customers can help too.
Give Back to the Community
When you’re done moving to your new office, list an ad for social media or on an eco-friendly site to give away your moving boxes or even your old Abbey Carpet. Or, you can do a corporate event in the community. This will help establish your company in a new location while getting some word of mouth marketing going too. However, the first motive should really be for your new community, the marketing is just a bonus.
The economy is starting to push back from a stagnant business cycle to a productive business cycle again. When you decide to move to a new office keep in mind these tips making your next move a breeze.