PowerPoint (PPT) and PDF are the two most common file formats used by ordinary people in various fields. Users choose the two formats for their distinctive features and purposes. This article mainly focuses on how and why using PowerPoint and converting PowerPoint to PDF for more secure file distribution.
Why PowerPoint?
Since PowerPoint was discovered in the late 1980s by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin, the use of PowerPoint has increased over time. The founders designed PowerPoint to give visualization, which aims to help people present their businesses. It also benefits the users because they can convince or persuade others through explanations using PowerPoint. As time passes, PowerPoint is used in businesses and other fields such as education, health, and others.
In education, teachers or lecturers usually use PowerPoint to present the learning material to the students. This method is believed to make students master the learning material easier and encourage them to learn more and more.
Teachers and lecturers can add pictures, videos, or other media to support their explanations. On the other hand, students also use PowerPoint to present their work to the teacher. PowerPoint enables them to explain their ideas clearly.
Meanwhile, in the healthcare sector, a doctor uses PowerPoint to give patients a more realistic picture or explanation regarding their health conditions or health problems. The illustrations in PowerPoint support the doctor’s statements, which gives the patients a better understanding.
Why Do People Use Powerpoint?
There are several reasons why the use of PowerPoint is massive. Here are some of them:
Powerpoint Is An Easy-To-Use Program.
The convenience that PowerPoint offers to users makes users need only a short time to understand the features in PowerPoint. PowerPoint offers easy features for simple usage. Users can learn how to use it by themselves. It allows users to explore further and use it according to their needs. PowerPoint also gives a new experience for a beginner user to display only the points of their presentation. The users must learn to make their presentations clear and straightforward.
Powerpoint Can Be Accessed Via PC Or Handphone.
The PowerPoint program is so cool that the latest technology supports it so that people can use PowerPoint either through a PC or handphone. This condition makes it easier for people who are constantly moving and can still access their presentations wherever they are without the need to carry a laptop everywhere.
For busy businessmen or women who mobile a lot from one place to another, being able to open and edit their presentation data is advantageous. He may lack time if he waits to make or edit the presentation in his office. So today’s technology completely supports the businessman to edit or make a new PowerPoint presentation while he is on his way to his business.
Using Powerpoint Means Being An Environmental Lover.
In the days before PowerPoint was invented, people used sheets of paper as a medium to help to visualize their presentations. However, the trend has changed, and people are switching to PowerPoint presentations. Soft file presentations will automatically reduce paper usage.
In addition, a PowerPoint presentation can be used several times if needed. It means that PowerPoint files from years ago can still be used today if it is still relatable. Or the users can edit or make some adjustments according to their needs. From here, of course, PowerPoint users indirectly participate in reducing the number of trees that are cut down for paper. In other words, PowerPoint presentation users are environmental lovers.
The Presentation Is More Eye-Catching.
Visualization in PowerPoint presentations is very useful to attract the audience’s or clients’ interest while listening to the explanation. The various tools available in PowerPoint also allow users to insert images, tables, and media in the form of sound, videos, and web links that will direct them to other websites. These tools enable the presenter to make an entertaining and enjoyable presentation which is believed to assure the audience about what they are presenting.
Users Can Collaborate
Currently, users can collaborate on completing or editing PowerPoint presentations. The feature is fascinating because, with this collaboration feature, users will freely finish the work together. It perfectly fits the working atmosphere if we talk about office or business situations where teamwork is a basis. On the other hand, it also benefits users to finish their work quickly.
Content Sharing Is Possible
If a student misses a class, they will panic for their inability to follow the material given that day. PowerPoint presentation offers a solution to this kind of problem. Students can access the material once the teacher shares it with the class. The same goes for businessmen and women who cannot attend an important meeting. They can follow the meeting by reading the PPT files shared after or before the meeting.
How To Maintain The Security Of Shared Powerpoint Files
One of the things that make PowerPoint widely used is its collaboration features. If the users send the PowerPoint to others, they can make changes, either add or reduce something from the material in the PowerPoint presentation. The users can add more graphics, tables, or pictures. Also, the users can reduce some information from the PowerPoint presentation. It is like two sides of a coin.
On the one hand, the ease of editing or making changes to the contents of PowerPoint is a plus. It makes it easier for people to be able to contribute and make some adjustments to their needs. But on the other hand, it makes PowerPoint distribution less secure for some people, especially when it comes to authentic and original presentations. Imagine that when the PowerPoint presentation contains some valuable or secret information, other users can effortlessly access that file and make significant changes, affecting many fields negatively.
PowerPoint, also shortened to PPT, is a valuable asset in communicating ideas to customers, clients, students, patients, and others. Therefore, in PowerPoint distribution to other parties, it is necessary to have a security guarantee. This security is intended to reduce the risk of data manipulation and alteration so that people can preserve the document’s authenticity and values.
However, users don’t need to worry because there is a practical solution nowadays. One of the best solutions is to change the format of the PowerPoint file into another more secure file, namely a PDF document. Yes, there are currently tools available that can help us secure PowerPoint and convert a PPT to PDF so that their authenticity and business security are guaranteed. Let’s discuss the most frequently asked question about PPT to PDF conversion.
Why Should It Be Converted To PDF?
One solution to maintain the security of the PowerPoint file distribution is to convert PowerPoint to PDF.
One crucial question to ask is why people choose the PDF format. What is the benefit of converting PowerPoint to PDF format? Below are the reasons that make the PDF format distribution safer than PowerPoint.
Preserve Content As Its Original Document
The users who have experienced a corrupted file when opening it using a different computer or mobile device would be very disappointed. Sometimes, the file can not be opened because of several reasons. An error during the saving process is one of the most common reasons a file can not be opened. Other times, it happens because of viruses or other malware. In addition, a corrupted file happens because there is a problem in the storage area, maybe because it is on the hard drive or your computer crashes and loses power. These do not need to be experienced by users if they convert a PowerPoint to PDF format.
Converting a PowerPoint to PDF means preserving and keeping the contents the same wherever the file is opened. Through PDF format, the PowerPoint presentation will remain the same, no matter where and when we open it. Users don’t have to worry about files being changed or corrupted anymore because the PDF format is more compact and the most common reason it is corrupt is improper download. So if the users face this challenge, they can easily re-download the PDF file.
File Compression
The various graphics in PowerPoint are indeed awe-inspiring and stunning. Presentations become more accurate when users include graphs, images, videos, and other media. On the contrary, this affects the amount of storage used on PCs or handphones. Of course, this reduces the comfort of using PowerPoint. Therefore, it was chosen to change the format to PDF because PDF files are lighter and only need a small size in storage, and all the existing visual graphics can still look good.
Easy To Share
Still related to file compression above, the storage used will automatically become lighter when the PowerPoint file has been changed to a PDF format. This small size makes it easier to send files and share them with others. Especially if the users tend to share or distribute the file via email, then it should be in small size so that it enables them to send it without a hitch.
Maintain Its Authenticity Through Sealing Or Watermark
If you feel that changing the format from PPT to PDF is still not safe, then there is a feature in this PDF that allows users to provide a seal in the form of a watermark or secret password. Giving this watermark can show the authenticity or origin or the author of a document. Another way is by setting a secret password. This will enable access to only be given to the intended people. Only those who know the special code can access the document.
This kind of protection keeps the documents sent safely. Moreover, the content and format will remain the same. Of course, by offering this kind of feature, there will be more and more people who try to use or convert files into PDF format. The next discussion is about the steps to convert a PowerPoint to PDF format.
How To Convert A PPT To PDF?
After knowing the information above, people may become curious about how to convert a PPT to a PDF. Here are some steps to convert PowerPoint to PDF.
- Open the website that will help to convert PowerPoint to PDF
- Select a file. The users can easily choose the PowerPoint file or drag the PowerPoint to the provided place.
- Watch and wait à it just takes a second or two to convert a PowerPoint file to PDF.
- Download the file. After waiting for several seconds, the PDF file is complete. Then, it will be ready to be downloaded. The users have choices between downloading or giving it seals like the electronic signature, secret password, or watermarks.
Well, that’s all about converting PowerPoint to PDF to make the file saver in terms of distribution. Before closing, some frequently asked questions need to be addressed.
Frequently Asked Questions About Converting PPT To PDF.
Regarding multiple slides in PPT, what will happen to numerous slides and a limited amount of storage?
We have already dealt with this issue. Each PowerPoint slide will be an individual PDF page. All slides will be in a single PDF file, which won’t consume the storage on your device.
Will the illustration or graphics in PowerPoint stay the same in PDF format?
The answer is yes! Every visual detail and text in PowerPoint will remain the same in PDF. However, placing a video in your PPT will only show as an image in PDF. So the users don’t need to worry about losing the image.
Is there any page limitation in converting a PowerPoint to a PDF?
The good news is that users don’t need to consider page limitations when converting PPT to PDF. Because of its compactness and small size, it will be lighter, so there is no page limitation.
Overall, converting PowerPoint to PDF is fairly simple, and the end product can be used for various purposes. Whether you want a smaller file size or want to ensure that your content is protected, it’s a great practice to finalize your business presentation in PDF format. And if you don’t have PowerPoint, now may be as good a time as any to start using a trusted online resource.