5 Custom Bumper Stickers Design Tips For Small Business Marketing

Custom bumper stickers are one of those old marketing materials that too many small business owners have let fall by the wayside. But, bumper stickers are an excellent advertisement for your business. Think of how many people you drive with on the road in any given day. Exactly. It is a ton of people. That means that when it comes to impressions – your business is getting a consistent flow of hundreds of views for each car that has your bumper sticker on its fender, every single day. So, why not try your hand at bumper stick design? You do not have to be an advertising manager to get it done. Here are the five tips to design bumper stickers that can help you reach new audiences in a creative and fun way.

High Contrast

Use high contrast colors when designing a bumper sticker for business. High contrast colors are important for materials you want people to see from a distance away. It makes them easier to read. This is certainly something you want to take into consideration when designing custom bumper stickers. Use colors that are high contrast so that passing cars can actually read the print.

Try A Template

There are a ton of bumper sticker templates out there for you to try. If you are not that creative of a person, this can be extremely helpful. It makes it easier to figure out the perfect size proportions for your custom bumper sticker design. Bumper sticker design templates also act as a jumping off point to help you generate ideas. Take advantage of the many free bumper sticker templates available online to get started.

Take Time on Typography

Selecting the perfect font for your business bumper sticker should take a lengthy amount of time. After all, there is a lot to consider. You want to be sure that you choose a font that is bold, big and readable. You also want to be sure that the typography you choose accurately reflects your brand. Make sure to take these important aspects into consideration when you are designing custom bumper stickers for business marketing.

Short Sentences

Short sentences are a requirement for bumper stickers design. You only have a very limited amount of space to work with. You also do not have the viewer’s attention for long. Viewers will probably be driving alongside or behind your bumper sticker advertisement at relatively high speeds. Make sure you keep your catchy sentences or phrases short and to the point. Make them punchy. More people from your customer segment will buy short, creative bumper stickers and more viewers will actually be able to read them quickly on the road.

Take It For A Test Drive

Once you have finalized the rough draft of your custom bumper sticker design, it is time to take it out for a test drive. Have a sample printed, and put it on your own personal car. Then, have a friend, family member or employee drive behind you. When your test drive is done, ask for feedback. Were they able to see the bumper sticker at all? Were they able to read the font? How close did they have to be to be able to read it? Was it visible only at certain speeds or could they see it and read it the whole time? Once you have done this, make improvements if you need. Then, you can finalize your bumper stickers design and start printing up your new customer bumper stickers to market your business.

If you are a business owner, you are always trying to come up with new and creative ways to promote your business, like using affiliate marketing strategies. But sometimes, it can be valuable to revisit old fashioned, tried-and-true marketing materials that can help generate brand awareness for your business. Custom bumper stickers are one such option. Bumper stickers are one of the best business promotional items that you can sell or give away. Just be sure to use the bumper sticker design tips mentioned above. It will help you create a custom bumper sticker that you love, customers want on their cars and viewers can actually read and understand.

Photo from http://www.partypeopleinc.com/custom-bumper-stickers/

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