5 Best Practices For Standard Email Signature Sizes And Dimensions

There are several best practices for how to write a standard email signature sizes and dimensions. The right sized email signature can be the difference between a good and bad impression on a client. Signatures that have large file sizes can slow down loading times or take too much space in an email. As a business owner, you should have an email signature that leaves a client feeling confident they’re in good hands. Read on for 5 best practices for standard email sizes and dimensions.

Signature Width

To begin, carefully deciding on the appropriate width for your email signature is a best practice for sizes and dimensions. The total height of a signature technically has no limit. The width of a signature is limited by the width of a computer’s screen. Keeping your signature to a width of 300-600 pixels will appear fine on most screens. 300-600 pixel wide signatures should appear fine on smaller devices with low resolution. Use necessary information only when creating the text of your signature. Of course, it’s a basic principle to decide on an appropriate width as a best practice for creating an email signature.

Font Types And Sizes

Second, use the right font as a best practice for your email signature size and dimensions. Different fonts in the same signature make the size and dimensions of your email difficult to manage. In addition, different types of fonts look strange and leave a bad impression on most. Use two different fonts only between the text of your signature and your logo. Use a consistent font type throughout your email signature. Keep the font sizes of your signature to 2-3 different sizes. Format parts of your signature slightly differently in terms of font size. Surely, use best practices for font size and type when considering your email size and dimensions.

Logo Sizes

To continue, thoughtful logo sizing is best practice for your email signature dimensions. A logo should take up 150-300 pixels horizontally, but should be saved at a higher resolution. Decide if you want a logo slightly bigger or smaller depending on your company’s logo format. A high resolution logo is important to your email, but as resolution and size increase in tandem, you may find your email signature file size becomes too large. A signature file size that is too large may affect load times in email exchanges. Try to keep your total email signature file size under 100 kilobytes for virtually no added load time. Definitely, be thoughtful about your logo dimensions and weight for best practice.

Social Icons

Further, email signature dimensions have best practices for social icons. Keep your icons small so they don’t distract from key contact details or other features. Just over 20×20 pixels is an ideal size. An exception to this practice exists for companies with a heavy focus on social media platforms. If you count on social media as a primary driver of your business, consider highlighting your icons over other features like your logo. In short, follow best practices for social icons when considering email signature size and dimensions.


Then, consider your total banner size as a best practice for your email signature size and dimensions. An email banner adds flavor to the normal text-only format of most emails. Use different sized banners for mobile and desktop formats in emails. Desktops have roughly 3x the resolution of mobile phones. Using the same format for both will often result in a mobile user having a horizontal scroll bar for your whole email, including the important text. This results in unread marketing promotions or frustrated clients. The ideal image size for desktop is 600 pixels wide and for mobile, keep your width about 320 pixels wide. In short, your banner size should follow these best practices for standard email signature size and dimensions.

There are several best practices to follow for standard email size and dimensions. This will serve as entrepreneurs’ guide for further development. First, consider your total signature width when formatting your signature to create a smooth feel. Second, choose your font type and stick with it without varying the size too much throughout your email signature. Then, consider your logo size and weight when adding it to your signature. Continuing, your social icons shouldn’t be very big unless they’re major factors for your business. Then, make a banner that translates easily between devices. In summation, use the above 5 best practices for standard email signature size and dimensions.

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