What Are The Fees Charged By Commercial Painter Contractor?

As any business owner will tell you, appearances certainly do matter. Potential customers constantly pass judgments on businesses based on your location’s physical appearance. When your building is old, outdated, and in disrepair you will likely see less customers than buildings in new, modern buildings. A major way to brighten up the quality of your building is by outsourcing professional services of a commercial painter contractor. Contractors are able to help modernize your property and make it stand out. However, when utilizing painter contractors, there are several fees and stipulations you must be aware of. If you are wondering about the fees charged by commercial painter contractors, continue reading this post.

Labor Costs

A major cost charged by commercial contractors is the actual fee for their labor. Contractors often impose labor rates on an hourly basis. Large contracting firms claim that a single professional can paint a 500 square foot office in roughly three hours. However, even at a rate of $80 an hour, you will still likely owe more than $240. Labor costs include the time it takes for preparation, washing, fixing problematic areas, and applying primers. Ensure you always question the full time frames from start to finish to effectively estimate labor costs. Commercial painter contractors always charge labor fees in exchange for their services.

Material Costs

Commercial contractors charge fees based on the costs of materials. Contracting firms claim that a single gallon of paint can cover roughly 400 square feet of standard service. However, this number is significantly lower when you consider painting textured surfaces. Many paint companies offer online calculators to help you accurately calculate the amount of paint needed. However, paint is not the only material required for contracted service. You may additionally be charged for brushes, rollers, pans, drop clothes, and tape for protection. Ensure you calculate the estimated fees for materials before accepting commercial painter contractor services.

Size Of The Area

Contractor fees are susceptible to change due to the size of the area. Many business owners believe the size of the area will only increase the cost of paint, and length of services. However, this is not always the case. When spaces are significantly larger contractors may have to recruit additional labor or rent advanced, more reliable equipment. At the same time, if you request services by a specific deadline, you may be charged extra fees to ensure the resources can be allocated to meet deadlines. You will likely face any fees incurred directly. Consider how the size of the area can ultimately impact the fees you are charged from commercial contractors.

Services Needed

Different business require different services from commercial painters. The difference in services may be based on a difference in business practices or simply due to a difference in physical appearance. For example, office buildings simply require the painting of interior and exterior walls. Churches however, require painting on scaffolding and other hard to access areas. Leaving them to likely be more expensive and time-consuming to complete. Universities may have to paint classrooms, gymnasiums, and pools. Because of unique surfaces and working around deadlines, they are also often more expensive than traditional buildings. Hospitals require contractors to apply sanitary coatings, which is a separate but additional cost. The type of business you own ultimately determines the contractor fees you face.

Additional Charges

There are also additional charges based on your personal preference for services. One of the largest preferences is that between standard and textured walls. Textured walls, while visually appealing, are significantly more expensive than standard ones. Some intricate designs even require commercial painters to seek help from interior design businesses. Prices are often estimated on the assumption of using the cheapest materials. Therefore, if you prefer an alternate brand or style of paint, it will likely be accompanied by an additional charge. If you require a quick turn around time, or cannot have a noticeable odor present, contractors will likely impose additional fees. When assessing the fees commercial painters charge, consider any additional charges you could potentially face.

Commercial painter contractors are excellent tools to improve the physical appearance of your company building. While their services are extremely noticeable to your business appearance, they can also be costly. For that reason, it is crucial to be aware of the fees imposed by commercial painters before accepting services. Contractors charged based on the materials and labor needed to complete specific projects. At the same time, costs vary based on the actual size of your location. You may encounter additional fees based on the types of services you need. Furthermore, contractors often impose fees based on requests, deadlines, or other implications. There are still other factors that could influence the price you pay. Research the best place to find contractors in your area to guarantee you are quoted the best price. If you are interested in revitalizing the physical appearance of your business, first consider the fees charged by commercial painter contractors.

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