The Future Business Tech Trends You Need To Know

Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, serverless computing, and intelligent interfaces, are already reshaping the business world. And along with other tech trends, they will continue to enhance the way business communications and operations are conducted in the coming years. If you want your business to thrive in the future, you need to know more about these key trends.

Artificial Intelligence

Most companies are already integrating Artificial Intelligence and machine learning into their business practices. And specific sectors are finding AI to now be an essential part of their operations. Take the online casino industry as an example. Most online casinos, like, use artificial intelligence. The technology can spot suspicious players, identify high-risk gamblers, capture players’ digital footprints, enhance user-experience, and much more.

AI can help a business to automate processes, engage better with customers and employees, and gain insights via data analysis. But the AI trend is set to increase even more in the future. Alongside mature technologies like RPA, cognition, and natural language processing, AI and machine learning will not only influence how companies are operated in the future, they will pretty much run those businesses.

3D Printing and Nanotechnology

There is perhaps no more exciting tech trend of the future than the combination of 3D printing applications with nanotechnology. Together, the technologies will bring large scale optimization into production processes, customization, costs, storage, and logistics. 3D printing can print out items like coffee cups, or it can help robots to construct new buildings. And with the help of nanotechnology, it will soon be able to give someone a new set of fingers. It is thought that by 2030, 3D printing and nanotechnology will see the printing of human skin and replacement body parts like heart valves. In this world of fast-moving innovation, early adopters of 3D printing and nanotechnology will be at a significant advantage.


The majority of companies have turned to cloud facilities in recent years. Cloud technology has many advantages. For instance, it allows remote workers to communicate and access documents at any time and any place. And cloud storage facilities provide a much smoother business operation all-round. But cloud computing is entering its next stage thanks to NoOps, which is an abbreviation of “no operations.” The NoOps concept refers to an IT environment that becomes so automated and abstracted from the underlying infrastructure that a team of humans to manage software in-house is no longer required. The new technology means IT professionals can focus on more rewarding duties and responsibilities than their previous mundane and time-consuming tasks.


DevSecOps is helping to find new solutions for complex software development processes within an agile framework. Similar to companies turning to DevOps, it will transform security, privacy, and risk management from being compliance-based to being an essential framework. According to a 2017 EMA report, SecOps will create a better return on investment for existing security infrastructure and enhance operational efficiencies across IT and security. The serverless technology and connectivity capabilities of DevSecOps are reshaping industries. If you want your business to be at the forefront of this exciting security technology, you need to get on board with the DevSecOps trend right now.

Intelligent Interfaces

Intelligent interfaces enable humans to interact with machines and data better. With features like auditory analytics, conversational voice, computer vision, virtual reality, and augmented reality, machines are going to become much more relatable in the future. The trend of human-centered tech is fast-evolving, and it is sure to continue to expand in the future. A Philip K. Dick-type world is just around the corner.


With the Internet of Things now becoming widely used in enterprise sectors like manufacturing, healthcare, and agriculture, and with an increasing dependence on smartphones and computers that are always connected, 5G is helping to meet the needs of today’s network demands. 5G will help to completely-transform how efficiently and effectively companies operate. For one thing, 5G’s use of wireless networks increases data bandwidth and minimizes latency, which is excellent news for telecommuters, as it increases flexibility for work locations. It also enables cost-effective communication.

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