How To Start Getting More Of The Right Traffic To Your Business Website

If you’ve got a business website, you might want to either boost yourself up Google’s rankings to get more traffic, or start getting more of the right sort of traffic. Have you ever wondered why so few of your visitors convert to paying customers? That can often be because of poor-quality on-page conversion tactics (which is a whole other subject), but it can also be because you’re getting the wrong sort of traffic. If you’d like to get more of the right sort of traffic that converts, you’re in the right place. So let’s have a look how you can do it:

Partner With Authorities In Your Niche

There’s one important factor when building backlinks, and that’s relevance. Google local listing and search results look for backlinks from sites that are relevant to you and your keywords when it decides how high you should be ranked. This is a huge factor, and it’s why you need to target relevant authorities in your niche.

If you can get one of those big industry players in your sector to link to you, the links will be worth so much more. Google likes that sort of relevance. How can you do this? By reaching out to them and offering them content in return for a link to you. You could write an article and get it syndicated on the right blogs in your industry, and with the right keywords these backlinks will be worth the extra effort.

Yes, you still want to work on quantity when building backlinks, but quality is even more important. That’s why finding the right authorities to partner with could be worth so much more than getting hundreds of links from worthless sites.

Target The Right Keywords That Provide Active Visitors

Try and avoid people that might be looking for a free ride, like those arriving to your site with keyword additions like “free”. While you can get a lot of traffic with these keywords, they’ll be far less likely to spend money on your site.

Try targeting keywords like “discount”, as these will give you people who know they’re going to need to spend some money soon. There are other additions you can use too. These long-tail keywords can also be easier to rank for as they’re less competitive.

Clean Up Site Mentions And Broken Citations

There might be plenty of chatter about your business online, but much of it could be broken or without links. Reach out to people who’ve talked about you, and get them to link their mentions to you. Fix your directory listings and make sure every citation about your business goes to the right place. If you clean up all the citations mentioning your site, you could notice a huge improvement in rankings.

Get Testimonial Links

Testimonial links are another great way to boost your ranking. Reach out to relevant authorities and say something good about them in return for a link. This could also drive direct referral traffic to your website. If you are talking about the most relevant companies, then their customers should have an interest in your website.

Base Your Linking Strategy Around Great Quality Content

You can’t spam your way to the top with worthless content anymore. Your linking strategy should be built around high-quality content that gets shared and works for you. You can’t really cut corners here. Your backlinks should be naturally attracted by creating high quality content that engages readers. This is one of the best strategies to start driving the right traffic to your business website.

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