If you are currently looking for new hires for your company or the company you are employed by, you may very well be overlooking a large pool of qualified candidates. Unemployment among veterans is a huge problem in this country; one that helping to solve could be extremely rewarding. Veterans are not only highly motivated, resilient, and loyal, but also good under pressure and follow direction well. Read on to discover how adding veterans to your team can help you as much as it helps them. After all, it certainly feels more patriotic than staff augmentation.
Veterans come into the workforce with leadership qualities that can seldom be taught. At every level of the workforce, a veteran is already well trained to be responsible on an individual and team level. With leadership being one of the top qualities employers are on the search for, veterans bring invaluable experience to you and your company.
Tax Credit
Not only are there practical and moral reasons to hire veterans, but the government provides monetary compensation as well. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit allows you to save money through hiring veterans. Additionally, the best part is there is no human resources limit on how many eligible employees you can have. With this tax credit, veterans can provide you with direct financial gain in addition to quality work.
Composure Under Pressure
No matter what your work environment is, rest assured that a veteran has experienced a more stressful experience and managed to get the job done. Working well under pressure means that a veteran is well equipped to meet a deadline or work with a difficult client. Remaining calm and composed throughout a job is a quality you are sure to find in any ex-military professional.
Quick Learners
The many valuable skills veterans bring to a job were likely learned quickly and effectively in the military. This means that any new skills that may be necessary for a position at your company can be taught swiftly and with ease. Where another employee may be a slow learner, veterans are quick to pick up new necessary skills. Veterans are adaptable quick learners, who are able to cut down training time as well as effectively perform tasks assigned to them.
Positive Public Relations
While you, your company, and your new employee will benefit from their employment internally, there is an opportunity for outward marketing as well. Publicly advertising that you are hiring veterans will create goodwill not only with the large base of veterans but with your community as well. Hiring a veteran can be a gateway to more positive community outreach, while offering the benefits of a more positive attitude from the public regarding your company. Being involved in community service is always a great way to improve public relations.
Although there is an upward trend in companies hiring veterans, the statistics are clear that more can be done to support those who have served our country. Hiring a veteran, or more than one, can be a mutually beneficial relationship. While providing a veteran with a job is a good deed, it is also far more. Hiring veterans can be a positive force for you, your other employees, and your company as a whole.
Photo from http://hiringamerica.net/news/12-great-online-resources-for-veterans-looking-for-jobs/