How To Become A CFP In 5 Simple Steps For Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs with a keen financial sense and strong money management skills would be wise to become a Certified Financial Planner. CFPs will never have to worry about finding clients. However, becoming a CFP requires you to fill certain requirements, including education and experience. You definitely do not want to try to become a CFP without knowing what PPI is. Keep reading below to learn how to become a CFP, so you can start your new career as soon as possible.

Get An Education

Certified Financial Planners must have a baccalaureate degree in order to gain their credentials. This four year degree does not have to be in finance or accounting necessarily. However, it would be helpful to choose this route. Regardless, make sure you obtain a four year degree of some sort in order to become a Certified Financial Planner.

Gain Experience

All CFPs are required to have a minimum of three years of relevant professional experience. This means you will need to work in the financial services industry for at least three years before you are able to sit for the CFP exam. Consider working in financial planning, investments, over the counter trading, insurance, banking, accounting, tax preparation or any other related area of finance. Then, it will be no time at all before you are able to pursue your CFP certification.

Download The Guide

The next thing you are going to want to do is download the guide to CFP certification. This guide is offered by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. That means it is the best, most accurate resource to help you prepare to become a CFP. Visit the CFP Board of Standards’ website to download the guide and learn all about how to prepare for the certification exam.

Consider A Prep Course

The CFP guide may make you a bit nervous about the exam. If that is the case, consider attending a CFP prep course to help you prepare for those questions about binary options. There are many institutions that offer CFP classes at a variety of price points. These CFP courses help you prepare for case studies and teach you skills to reason through them the right way. If you need a little bit of extra help preparing for the CFP exam, consider attending a certification prep course.

Take The Test

The next step of becoming a Certified Financial Planner is to take the certification exam. This CFP exam is a three part, ten hour test. These ten hours are broken down into one four hour segment on Fridays and two three hour sessions on Saturday. The three parts of the CFP exam consist of 285 multiple choice questions that are worth two points each. Make sure to study hard to pass your Certified Financial Planner exam. Otherwise, your dream of becoming a CFP will never come true.

If you are a financially-savvy entrepreneur with a mind for numbers, becoming a CFP can be extremely beneficial for your career and your bottom line. But, first you must learn how to become a CFP. Follow the steps above to start a career as a Certified Financial Planner as soon as possible. You will not regret it.

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