Managing workers is far from easy. There is quite a steep learning curve for new managers to live through. Holding meetings with your team is supposed to be the easier part of your job. If you are a new manager without a project management certification however, this task might not be quite so simple. Meeting management skills are a requirement to become an effective manager. Use these tips to manage meetings that are as swift, painless and productive as possible.
Set An Objective
Meeting management best practices include setting a specific objective for every meeting. This should be done before you ever even put the meeting date on the calendar. No good manager would have a meeting for no reason. You want to be certain that every single meeting you manage has a specific and clear purpose. Be sure to convey this message to employees who will be required to attend too. This helps guarantee that all meeting participants are prepared for the topic at hand. It also helps you set measurable objectives to determine whether or not your business meeting was a success. If you want to practice good meeting management skills, always set an objective in place for a meeting before announcing it to your team.
Consider Who Is Coming
Plan out your meeting invite list once you know what your meeting objectives are. This will make your life easier when you are actually managing the meeting. Do not force the entire team to come to a meeting that applies to only three workers. Instead, consider which team members are absolutely essential participants for meetings about the topic at hand. This will help you avoid making employees feel like you wasted their time. It will also help you keep your business meetings on-track, productive and insightful. This is one of the best meeting management tips that too few managers recognize the importance of.
Start On Time
Always start your meetings on time for effective meeting management. If a meeting does not start on time, everything else that follows gets discombobulated too. However, you do not want to start meetings early either. You want to be certain that all anticipated participants are present and ready to begin. This is only possible when you begin right on time. If you start meetings late, team members will begin to roll into your meetings late in the future. They will naturally assume that because you allowed a meeting to start late once, you will be willing to allow it again. Do not set yourself up for this accountability issue. Instead, start every single meeting on time to conform to meeting management tips that will help you succeed in your new management role.
Stay On Track
Making a meeting agenda is an obvious necessity, but keeping meeting attendees on-task is not quite as easy. As a new manager, you need to be prepared for team members to get distracted. They will often bring up off-topic concerns and questions throughout your business meetings. As an employee, you have probably done this plenty of times yourself in the past. Now as a manager, you are required to be the one to keep everyone on track. These employee suggestions are important, but there is a time and place for everything. Acknowledge off-topic points made by employees. But then, redirect the conversation back to the agenda. Tell the employee that you will include their point in the meeting notes and the next meeting agenda. This way, you acknowledge and validate their concerns and questions. Keeping meetings on track is a crucial component for managing meetings effectively.
Wrap Things Up
When hosting a meeting, be sure to wrap things up nicely for meeting attendees. Try to succinctly summarize the main purpose of the meeting and what was achieved. This helps to keep employees on the same page. It also makes everyone feel that their time has been spend productively. Knowing how to host a productive meeting is a difficult skill to master. But if you succinctly summarize the discussions had within the meeting, everyone feels involved and effective. That is the key to hosting more productive meetings. Do not let these meeting management strategies fall by the wayside when employees are trying to rush out the door. They are crucial for hosting an effective meeting.
If you are a new manager, you are probably overwhelmed with just how much you are responsible for overseeing, especially in the area of business communications. You may have thought managing meetings was the least of your worries. But, it is one of the most important management tasks you will be responsible for. Leading productive meetings is a requirement if you want to become the best manager you can be. Use the meeting management secrets above to help you lead the most productive meetings your building has ever seen. Your employees and your supervisors will both be indebted to you for learning these meeting management skills.