5 Best Productivity Tracking Tools For Remote Employees

Managers use productivity tracking tools to boost their teams’ performances. However, managing remote teams requires different productivity tracking tools than on-site teams require. However, a manager can monitor a remote team well with the right strategies. Managers, like yourself, who oversee remote teams need digital resources to increase work rates. With the millions of apps available for smartphones, it is hard to determine which are the best. Fortunately, with an understanding of the best tools, you can decide on an app easily. In this post, you will find the best productivity tracking tools for remote employees.

Calendar Notifications

Managers improve their productivity tracking for remote employees with apps that offer calendar notifications. You can easily forget about approaching due dates for remote workers. If you do not know that a due date is approaching for a task, you fail to pay attention to the progress being made on it. Then, your employees turn in late work without you even realizing it. With an app that can send calendar notifications, you can have deadline reminders sent to both yourself and your remote workers automatically. When you assign a task through the calendar tool, the app will notify appropriate workers when due dates are approaching. In addition, you receive notifications when a due date passes for a project that is still incomplete. Hence, your productivity tracking improves.

Virtual Bulletin Boards

Productivity tracking gets easier for managers with virtual bulletin boards. These boards allow both you and remote employees to pin various types of content onto bulletin boards. By giving employees access to each others’ boards, you introduce remote team collaboration opportunities. Available content includes photos, notes, files, and labels. You can track productivity with this tool by keeping a private board for yourself. Use it to keep notes regarding each workers’ productiveness. Since virtual bulletin boards record time stamps, you can easily track when employees are collaborating with one another on boards. Virtual bulletin boards advance productivity tracking for managers.

Screen Monitoring

A screen monitoring tool can also enhance your productivity tracking processes for remote workers. Many remote employees use the fact that their managers cannot view their screens while they work to their advantage. They allow themselves to fall off track and use their work time to complete unrelated tasks. If you invest in a productivity tracking system with a screen monitoring tool, you can watch workers’ screens while they are on the clock. Thus, you can ensure that they stay on track and expedite projects. With on-track employees and fast completion times, you can boost your business ratings.

Live Dashboards

You can gain insight into remote employees’ work ethics through live dashboards as well. Apps that offer this productivity tracking tool allow you to view who is working in real time. More so, you can view what currently working employees are working on. You can also view the other assignments they completed throughout the day. This tool grants managers the ability to notice who is staying on track. Furthermore, you can easily see which workers have not clocked in at all for the day. Then, you can take initiative as manager and communicate any issues with your remote team.

Priority Level Color Coding

In addition to the above productivity tracking tools, look for an app that supplies priority level color coding. When you are in the office, you can easily communicate which projects are on priority. In the past, managers have not been able to efficiently adjust priorities remotely. While you may have tried to make adjustments via email, it is not always an effective form of communication. If an employee does not check their email, they will not adjust their work schedule. Instead, use color coding to shift priorities for remote workers. If you assign blue as the high-priority color, employees will know to complete blue projects first. You can track productivity based on how many blue colored projects an employee completes in a timely manner.

As a manager, use productivity tracking tools to boost your remote team’s performance. Calendar notifications remind both you and your employees of their upcoming due dates. Virtual bulletin boards allow managers to organize notes on workers’ productiveness. You can see employees working in real time with a screen monitoring feature. With live dashboards, you can view which employees are currently working. Finally, priority level color coding provides managers with the ability to track how employees follow instructions and complete projects. These are the best productivity tracking tools for remote employees.

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