Owner operators spend large amounts of their capital on semi truck insurance. As the small business owner of a trucking company, your trucks are essential to your business. Since you cannot do away with them and their associated costs, you need to discover the top ways to lower the costs. Then, you can yield a higher profit while still securing your expensive vehicles. To find the most financially beneficial coverage, read on and learn the top factors that determine semi truck insurance cost.
The Cargo You Haul
Since cargo varies per trucking company, it plays a role in determining semi truck insurance cost. After all, owner operators startup their businesses in various industries. You can pass a truck driver working for the restaurant industry and another in the home repair business at the same time. The truck hauling food for restaurants poses less of a threat than the one carrying large tools and machinery. Because the cargo in the repair business truck can harm civilians more than produce can, the home repair truck’s insurance is more costly. For this reason, insurance companies require cargo information in order to offer accurate quotes.
Truck Driving Experience
Another factor that effects semi truck insurance cost is truck driving experience. As an owner operator, you likely have other employees working under your management. Therefore, your truck driving experience and all of your drivers’ records play a role in your insurance costs. For this reason, owner operators typically only hire truck drivers with clean records. If they have a history of getting into accidents, your insurance rates will go up. Furthermore, truck drivers who have been in the industry for a long time have lower interest rates because they pose less of a risk. Numerous owner operators need high risk insurance policies. Consider your experience and that of your employees when optimizing your semi truck insurance.
Number Of Miles
Insurance companies also consider the number of miles on your trucks when deciding on your semi truck coverage costs. The reasoning behind this lies in the potential risks. Trucks that travel long distances are more likely to have issues. Therefore, insurance companies prefer insuring trucking businesses that travel to local places. They increase rates for those that travel across state lines on a daily basis. If your employees currently drive over 200 miles ever day, consider minimizing your availability. When owner operators stick to local deliveries, they reduce their semi truck insurance costs.
Truck Value
Owner operators who have more valuable trucks pay higher premiums for their semi truck insurance. While nicer trucks do pose less risk for breaking down, they are more expensive to repair. In the case of an accident, insurance companies have to pay more to fix a new truck than they would an old one. Hence, they favor average trucks over those with advanced features. If you were planning on purchasing new trucks for your workers, keep in mind that your insurance bills will rise significantly. To keep your small business owner costs low, keep your trucks’ values average.
Credit Score
Additionally, your credit score as the owner of a trucking business plays a major role in semi truck insurance costs. Insurance companies take credit scores into account to determine reliability and financial stability. They look into companies’ payment histories, bankruptcies and outstanding debts. Some insurers also consider collections and other monetary factors. They offer companies with high credit scores and low financial risks lower premiums. Therefore, you can lower your semi truck insurance cost by realizing the weight of this element. Improve your credit score by implementing money saving tips and getting out of debt. Then, you can keep your insurance costs low.
Many owner operators want to decrease their semi truck insurance bills so they can yield higher profits. To do so, you need to understand the factors that insurance companies take into consideration. For instance, they consider the amount of risk your cargo poses. They also look into you and your employed truck drivers’ experience operating large vehicles. The number of miles you put onto your trucks on a daily basis can negatively or positively effect your insurance costs as well. While newer trucks break down less often than older ones, they are more expensive for insurance companies to repair. Lastly, insurers prefer owner operators who have high credit scores. Use these factors that determine semi truck insurance costs to reduce your payments.