5 Threat Intelligence Platform Use Cases For Cyber Security

There are many threat intelligence platforms use cases for cyber security. Threat intelligence platforms (TIP) are the solution to improving and amplifying our analytical abilities. This tool helps build relationships, encourage analysis and improve your company’s cybersecurity posture. As a business owner, you should use a system to understand the threats to your company. This way, you can take preemptive action against potential vulnerabilities. Here are a few threat intelligence platforms use cases for cyber security.

Web Monitoring

Web monitoring is a popular threat intelligence platform use case for cyber security. TIP gathers all its data from open and closed internet sources. Open sources are publicly available to everyone. This data only makes up 4% of online data. Meanwhile, closed internet sources account for the other 96% of online data. These closed sources are 90% the deep web and 6% the dark web. This data is locked away behind login keys or paywalls. Since it can take years to invade these spaces with effective analysis, companies are using TIP solutions to gain insights. Clearly, web monitoring is a popular TIP use case for cyber security.

Phishing Response

Phishing response is another TIP use case for cyber security. Once an employee reports a suspicious email, security teams can use TIP solutions to access the email and its components. Then, TIP resources identify the web address owner and research the domain and web domain extension reputation. In fact, TIP additionally finds connections to other online providers that are known the host ill-natured content. Of course, all information on this suspicious email is given while TIP determines the theat level. Certainly, phishing response is another popular threat intelligence platform use case.


Of course, contextualization is another dependable TIP use case for cyber security. Managing context is the first step in evolving security procedures. TIP gives context to the categorized data processed such as who, what, where, when, and why. It will eliminate false positives and add data such as IP network, domain and location blocklists. Additionally, it provides security with as much information about the possible threat as available. TIP can help your business understand if a suspicious event is serious or superficial. Clearly, contextualization is a popular TIP use case for cyber security.

Hunt Missions

Certainly, hunt missions are reliable TIP use cases for cyber security. Typically, most businesses are cautious about hacks against their information, data and protection. TIP hunt missions proactively uncover these potential attacks. TIP provides hunt mission teams an accurate source of information on the player or group that is likely to cause danger. Additionally, the system informs the team where to look for evidence of threats in the business network. TIP can also break down the attacks if a threat decides to use a phishing campaign. Typically, phishing attacks will use more than one type of attack. TIP allows the hunt team to track down evidence of other campaigns and employees who have used the adversary’s website that can cause a threat. Hunt missions are a popular TIP use case for cyber security.

Quick Incident Reporting

Finally, another TIP use case for cyber security is quick incident reporting. According to reports, there is a 27.7% chance that your business will experience a data breach. TIP educates your employees on what to do while contacting the authorities and your clients. Additionally, the system has alert features integrated into the monitoring and prevention applications. This allows your information and reputation to be salvaged with a click of a button. TIP also aids in beginning an investigation, contacting banks and refunding clients if needed. Certainly, another reliable TIP use case is quick incident reporting.

There are several threat intelligence platform use cases for cyber security. Web monitoring uses TIP to scan the open and closed sources and data of the internet. Additionally, phishing responses use TIP to target potential threats, locate where the threat is, and determine if the threat is considered ill-natured. Contextualization uses TIP to eliminate false positive threats and get the most information on the threat as possible. Hunt missions use TIP to uncover and break down potential cyber threats. Finally, you can use TIP for quick incident reporting because it reports the current threat to the authorities, clients and banks. These are just a few threat intelligence platform use cases for cyber security.

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