If you desire to create great social media content, this article is what you need. Before you start working on media marketing strategy, it is necessary to understand where and how to spread your efforts.
Find out whom you are writing for and how do you want to position your media? What kind of results you want to achieve and how you will assess whether you have received the appropriate result of your work? Choose the social media marketing tools. You need to write all this down in your strategy. Here you can find the basic tips for creating effective media strategy, and Edu Birdie can help you to generate the best content for your site.
Know Your Platform
Depending on what social media platform you are posting to, you are going to want to post different content. For example, on Twitter, sharing images will increase your retweets by almost 150% according to some experts. Understanding the different needs of Facebook users versus Instagram users, for instance, is the only way to know how to create social media content that users actually want to share. This is the tactic used by some of the best advertising online. Remember what platform you are creating content for in order to have a maximum impact on your social media presence.
Set Your Goals
Content marketing is solving very specific problems, the aim of which is to boost sales of the particular company or to help entrepreneurs earn money online. It is necessary to do everything to increase the sales of the site.
Goal 1: Increase Traffic
Increase the number of constant visitors to your website – you can cope with this in different ways.
By increasing the quality of your content, you will obligatory increase the number of direct calls to your site – the audience will get used to consuming your content and will start visiting your website by a direct link or by bookmarks. It is great.
You will also get search traffic on low-frequency queries, used in your texts.
It is possible to draw the additional attention to your good content by leaving links in thematic groups and communities. It is a good chance. You should not forget to use the opportunity of your own channels: announce new publications in your mailings and social networks.
Goal 2: Increase Loyalty
The more you help your customers to solve their problems for free, the more they love you. The more new loyal customers – the more repeated sales.
The most devoted readers, viewers, and listeners are quickly becoming the advocates of your brand: you shall get more quality traffic, which is very easy to convert into sales. Use this!
Goal 3: Raise Awareness
Useful materials, deep, precise details, and market planning will gradually allow you to acquire the status of an expert in your field. Your brand becomes recognizable: you will talk about your content and people will believe your messages. That is good!
Goal 4: Make A Profile For Your Target Audience
The main rule of the marketing content is to create content that is relevant to your audience. To follow this rule, you need to understand this clearly. You should also know the answer to the question “what is a millennial?”, as millennials are far and away the largest percentage of social media users. Create materials that will reach your target readers!
A common description of the target audience as “women from 18 to 65 years old, who work in the office and travel sometimes” is not suitable. You need to get very detailed information about your prospects and divide people into sections.
How to do it? It is advisable to use a combination of two methods of data collection:
Statistical – Use Google Analytics to get primary data about sex and age, people’s location, and, especially, about their commercial interests.
Empathic – conducting a survey with the help of special services (Google Forms, SurveyMonkey), arrange personal interviews, set up great social media monitoring and implement reputation management. Do this!
As a result, you should get a few “standard characters” – collecting images that illustrate the different categories of your customers. You need to understand each character as a good friend: what does he like, what are his problems at work and in his personal life, how does he spend his time, and so on.
Analyze Competitors
Competitor analysis will allow you to find out a few important things.
You shall get an idea of the volume of traffic in the sphere you are going to work with, and you can find some templates, ideas and successful practices to adapt them to your own needs. You can also check out from the content policy and strategies of your competitors and consciously choose a different path. Choose a different marketing strategy! Do not try generating “the same, but superiorly,” do not to engage the same audience in the real ongoing war.