5 Email Marketing Report Metrics To Measure Success

Email marketing reports provide marketers with insight into how successful their campaigns were. These insights are only helpful when marketers like yourself include the correct metrics in their reports. Without the top, most telling metrics, you cannot achieve a clear understanding of your campaigns’ effectiveness. Moreover, you cannot pinpoint what you did well vs. what you did not do well. The same goes for sales teams and their sales metrics. Both are crucial for success. If you want to continuously boost your ROI through your email campaigns, read on and discover the top email marketing report metrics to measure success.

Click-Through Rate

Firstly, you need to measure click-through rate (CTR) in order to understand each campaign’s effectiveness. This metric shows you how many subscribers actually clicked on the links you included in your emails. You always want to increase your CTR. One of the best ways to boost your rates is to include call-to-action buttons in your emails. Another way to raise your clicks is to link to different, relevant pages throughout each email. Ensure that you keep the hyperlink text fun and interesting to persuade your subscribers to click through. If you measure your CTR in your email marketing report, you will notice an increase.

Revenue Per Email

Successful marketing professionals also measure revenue per email in their email marketing reports. This is an especially useful metric to measure because increasing profits is one of the main reasons for email marketing. While click-through rate metrics do provide you with beneficial insight, you also need to know how many of those clicks resulted in a profit gain. To find out, measure revenue per email. Compare your emails that achieved higher revenues per open to those that did not perform as well. Then, you can determine which strategies are most effective and implement them in your future emails. In turn, you will boost your overall profits by measuring this email marketing report metric.

Email Sharing Rate

Another email marketing report metric every marketing professional should measure is email sharing rate. This metric entails measuring how many subscribers shared and/or forwarded your emails to others. Consumers share their favorite content on social media platforms for their followers to see. Since marketing teams learn what is social networking to improve their returns, you can appreciate how advantageous social media shares can be. They also forward emails that they like to friends, family members and even co-workers who might also like the content. The more email shares you get, the more consumers you reach. If they like what they see, they will subscribe to your emails too. With this being said, you need to track your sharing rate in your email marketing report so that you can take steps toward boosting it.

Opens By Device

Moreover, measure opens by device in your email marketing report. This metric shows how many subscribers view your emails on their smartphones. It allows you to compare that number to the amount of consumers who view your content on their desktops and mobile tablets. When you receive this information, you gain an opportunity to improve your priority list. If the majority of your email recipients open your content on their smartphones, prioritize improving your mobile responsiveness. In such a situation, making your site more mobile-friendly is more important than adding desktop-only features. In order to upgrade your campaigns efficiently, measure this metric in your email marketing report.

Unsubscribe Rate

Lastly, track your unsubscribe rate in email marketing reports. When you see your unsubscribe rate rise after launching a new email campaign, you can conclude that the campaign was unsuccessful. Then, you can compare the strategies you used to ones you used in a previous, more profitable campaign. By measuring this metric, you can take steps to avoid worsening your email campaigns and lowering your ROI. For this reason, it is a crucial email marketing report metric.

In order to track your email campaign progress, you need to measure the right metrics. For instance, keep track of your click-through rates and improve them by adding relevant links to other pages in your content. Get a clearer understanding of how profitable your current strategies are by measuring revenue per email. Email sharing rates show marketers which emails their subscribers liked the best. Opens by device measurements allow marketing professionals to see how consumers prefer to open their content, which allows them to prioritize effectively. Finally, measure your unsubscribe rate to pinpoint what recipients do not want in your emails. Measure these mail marketing report metrics to improve your campaigns.

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