There are several steps to build a high performing executive team. Having a high-performing executive team typically leads to a significant impact on the bottom line. Certainly, high performance can lead to positive organizational results. As a CEO, you have an influence over team decisions made in team meetings, as well as the activities that translate into the work assigned. You should be focused on building a team that can influence the entire organization. Follow this list to build a high performing executive team.
Assign A Leader
First, assign a leader to your high performing executive team. Find a leader who can focus on the purpose, goals, relationships and commitment of the team. Your leader should be able to keep the team on track with assignments with a relevant and meaningful approach. Furthermore, team leaders should have trusting relationships with the rest of the team. Also, choose someone who is constantly enhancing their skills without seeking credit. Your leader should be willing to jump into extra work whenever required. In fact, you can even consider giving leadership assessments. For sure, assign the right leader to your team to build a high performing executive team.
Establish Strategic Focus
Second, establish strategic focus to build a high performing executive team. Choose a management approach that will help your team stay focused on all proposals, objectives and strategies assigned. Executive teams offer operational and strategic leadership by providing the structure for the business. Furthermore, invest the required time and energy into the organization by establishing a strong foundation. Continue to stay focused on the organization by keeping an eye on potential opportunities and risks. Surely, keep your team focused to build a high performing executive team.
Promote Accountability
Next, promote accountability on your high performing executive team. Executive leadership should hold both themselves and the team members accountable for every commitment made. Make the tough decision of picking the right people for your team to ensure all commitments can be delivered. Consider investing in a group scheduling software to assist your decisions. Pay attention to every commitment made by the team to ensure everyone stays on the right path. Of course, there will be a lot of work within the team and you will not be able to keep track of all the progress. You can take the extra step of accountability by hiring a cross-functional accountability partner. Certainly, promote accountability on your high performing executive team.
Treat Everyone with Respect
Then, treat everyone with respect on your high performing executive team. Consistent communication is important to recover from disagreements and challenging times. Team members should be direct and clear while expressing their thoughts without coming off as rude or demeaning. Allow your team members to express themselves freely, which can lead to innovation and creativity. Furthermore, lead by example and hold expectations for your team to become a more honest and goal-oriented team. This way, your team will gain more skills such as listening, collaboration and commitment. Of course, be aware of practices that could lead to low workplace morale. Certainly, treat everyone with respect on your high performing executive team.
Encourage Reflection
Last, encourage reflection on your high performing executive team. Avoid the lack of behavioral team improvement efforts. Setting time aside for your team to analyze the root cause of problems occurring. Allow your team to give feedback and suggestions to accelerate the pace of changes within the team. Surely, handling rising issues can help incorporate new perspectives and arrive at much better solutions. Reflection can accelerate the pace of change within your team by speeding up the process of problem solving. Surely, encourage reflection on your high performing executive team.
There are several steps to build a high performing executive team. First, select an individual who you believe is strong enough to lead the team. Second, establish a strategic focus to keep your team on track. Next, find the best way to monitor your team to ensure proper accountability. Then, treat your team with respect to set an example for everyone to follow. Last, encourage reflection within your team to allow an opportunity for a quick improvement. Follow the steps above to build a high performing executive team.