Useful Features For Magento Web Design For Business Owners

Magento is an eCommerce platform that allows sellers to build their online businesses. It’s easy to use, scalable, customizable, and packs all the features needed to create a website with smooth customer experience. Website design is imperative to the success of any eCommerce business. Learning about the tools available to the business owner may allow you to push your business to the next level.

With web design Magento, you can change the layout of your website, and make it more user-friendly and easy to navigate for the visitors of your online stores. Here are some features of Magento that you can use to elevate the look and feel of your eCommerce store.

Fixed Vs. Fluid Layout

When you’re setting up your eCommerce store using Magento, you can choose from two types of layout – fixed and fluid. Each has its pros and cons. If you choose the former, the page will have a fixed width and the individual components will be fixed too, as you can tell by the name. In practice, that means that the percentage width of each component will remain the same regardless of the resolution or browser.

On the plus side, a fixed layout is very easy to work with. It will not betray you and change in unexpected ways. At the same time, this type of layout is outdated. If the screen is bigger or smaller than the one the layout was designed for, it might look awkward and show excess unused space.

If you choose to go with a fluid layout (or responsive design), it will keep up with the resolution and screen size. It will appear a lot more esthetically pleasing to the user regardless of their screen. As a result, it is also more user-friendly. Today, a responsive design is a golden standard in the industry, as it looks amazing both on desktop and mobile, meaning higher sales conversion rates for eCommerce.


Premade templates and themes are often quite neutral and unoriginal, but they make a great safety net to fall back on if you don’t have a lot of experience with web design. The platform has a wide selection of neat templates. Of course, if you want to exercise your brand voice and make your website stand out, you will need to add custom design elements to the suggested layout. Add a few extra details to an attractive template and you will have a solid website. At the same time, if you’re in a pinch, a ready-made website template can save your life.


A chosen font can very quickly become a brand’s signature. You may already know about different fonts from your experience in art and logo design. Sometimes you can even recognize a brand name just by the font used. If you want people to feel the same way about your business, you have to pick your signature font carefully. Luckily, Magento has quite a few to choose from. You can use different fonts for different parts of the website, or choose one that you want to stick to. It’s best to avoid going above 3 different fonts for a website.


Visiting a website is a very visual experience. Even though you might want to use text to communicate with your visitors, you need to catch their attention first. To do that, you can use visuals of all sorts. That may include images and videos, as well as colors.

When you’re choosing a color, it’s best to pick a color scheme and stick to it. The colors you choose have a big impact on the way your website is perceived. People associate different colors with different themes. For example, many people see natural and bio products as green, while financial planning products and services tend to be blue. Surely, you can find associations with many colors in your mind!

Images are just as crucial. In the first place, images help you attract the attention of the website visitor. The image you display on your home page or product page should reflect the purpose of your website and showcase the products you sell from different angles. Straying too far from the theme can be harmful; it should be clear to the visitor at first glance that they have come to the right place.

The look of your store can aid in attracting visitors and converting them into paying customers. You can use web design and all of the features mentioned above to create a smooth and user-friendly experience for your clients.

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