There are many online small business productivity tools that streamline workflows. Productivity tools such as to-do list apps, project management solutions, and kanban boards simplify many processes involved in running a business. They are designed to eliminate lapses in productivity and maximize the value of employee time. As an operational manager, implement some of these solutions for more efficient systems, workflows, and processes that increase productivity. If you are just starting up, consider advanced tools for startup brand. Read on to discover the best online small business productivity tools that streamline workflows.
Cloud-Based Communication Platforms
There are many cloud-based communication platforms that include messaging, video conferencing, and traditional phone systems in one package. Using such platforms, you can connect with your team, potential clients, and customers using various devices from anywhere there’s an internet connection. This way, the need for various, often expensive office equipment such as phone lines is eliminated. Additionally, studies have shown that 69% of employees switch between up to 10-15 apps in an hour of work. With one application that unites these capabilities, employees won’t need to waste time switching apps. Surely, cloud-based communication platforms provide a unified communication solution that eliminates the need to switch between several apps.
Comprehensive Organization
Comprehensive organization tools often provide significant productivity increases, as well. Many cloud-based project management tools aid in planning, organizing, and delivering projects promptly. In fact, several of these platforms have simple, easy to use interfaces that significantly reduce planning and organization times. Additionally, features such as task management, discussions, online proofreading, and Gantt charts provide productivity solutions by keeping employees on task. Moreover, consider how company dashboard improve project management. Absolutely, comprehensive organization tools keep employees on task via simple planning and organization interfaces.
Time Trackers
Time tracking tools visualize how your employees spend their time. Several platforms allow you to see the time spent on various tasks and projects. Additionally, you’ll be able to determine the productivity of specific team members by looking at how they’ve spent their time. This way, you visualize the productivity levels of all employees and increase them by targeting any underperformers. Certainly, time trackers enable representative data on the productivity levels of specific employees.
Inbox Sorting
Tools providing inbox sorting capabilities eliminate the need for you to monitor and sort your email inboxes. Inbox sorters go into your email’s backend and sorts incoming messages into various folders. They use machine learning to determine which emails are “cold calls” and which are from legitimate colleagues, clients, or acquaintances. However, winning cold sales emails can provide many opportunities for growth or customer acquisition. They send important emails straight to your inbox, while storing unimportant ones in separate folders. By providing feedback, these tools learn the people and subjects important to your specific needs over time. Definitely, inbox sorters use machine learning to provide personalized email monitoring that allows you to focus on other tasks.
File Sharing
Various file sharing platforms allow the immediate distribution of files necessary for projects and tasks. While providing a single location for these files, these tools enable autosaving and shared folder creation. Additionally, you can determine who has access to which files, maintaining efficient file management in your workplace. You can also backup important files to your computer, and access them without using your file sharing tool. This way, the tool’s purpose as a centralized file database is maximized by the ability to take the files anywhere. Of course, file sharing tools streamline workflows by allowing instantaneous file sharing and their use as a central file database.
There is a myriad of online small business productivity tools that streamline workflows. One such tool, a cloud-based communications platform, provides an unified communication solution that eliminates the need to switch between several apps. Another, comprehensive organizers, keep employees on task via easy-to-use planning and organization interfaces. Additionally, time trackers visualize individual employees’ time and how it’s been spent, so you can evaluate their productivity. Inbox sorters use machine learning to filter unimportant emails out of your inbox, so you can focus on more productive tasks. Finally, file sharing tools enable immediate file sharing, access control, and use as a central file database. When searching for online small business productivity tools that streamline workflows, consider the tools described above.