There are many inspirational promo video ideas to make your event stand out. More than four out of five marketers say they’ve been assisted in gathering leads by video. The amount of minutes of video consumed online more than doubled between 2019 and 2020. Using video is so effective — especially when paired with traditional marketing to attract new customers to your venue. As a nightclub owner, you should create a memorable video to promote your event to new and existing customers. Read on for 5 inspirational promo video ideas to make your event stand out.
Use A Voice-Over To Explain Why The Event Is Great
To begin, use a voice-over in an attractive video for content marketing and to explain what makes the event great as an idea to make your next event a success. Write what makes your venue different from your competitors. Use your differentiating factors to attract new customers looking for new places to go. Give in-depth information about your venue like the amount of bars, seats and total capacity. After you’ve written great copy, take well-lit video to underlay the important messages you want to share with potential clients. Take a video of each part of the venue you are describing, or each event you talk about. Of course, use a voice-over with attractive images and video as an idea to promo your next event as a success.
Make A Short Video With A Clear Message
Second, make a short video with a crystal clear message or inspirational quotes as an idea to make a promo video for your next event. As videos get longer, retention rates quickly decrease. Make sure you capture your audience by the 3 second mark and answer a question by the 7 second mark. Keep your total video under 30 seconds and pack it with as much eyebrow raising detail as you can. Build awareness of your event with rapid videos and try to convert your potential customers with slightly longer videos closer to the deadline for reservations. Definitely, make short videos with clear messaging as an idea to inspire you for your next event promo.
Take Videos At An Event An Gather Testimonials
To continue, gather testimonials while an event is raging on as an idea for a promo video to inspire you. Customers trust other customers more than the marketing team of any company. Have a quick Q&A with a few regular attendees of your weekend nightlife events. Ask them what they love about your space or for a story that really highlights the atmosphere of your club. A satisfied customer makes a terrific sales line for any club. Overlay their answers on top of video of other customers enjoying your club. In addition, for annual events, grab videos this year to promote for next year. Surely, gather testimonials from regulars as an idea to make your next promo video a success.
Show Employees Running the Show
Further, show your employees working at an event with a smile to show how efficiently your events are run to make your next promo video a success. Customers want to feel seen and connected to your venue. You need to show the humans who make the events work. Give your potential customers faces to identify with. Create a video of a smiling employee making an attractive margarita to convince potential customers to check out your scene. Show your bouncers welcoming people through the front door with a happy expression. Display a welcoming and charming atmosphere through your employees personality. In short, welcoming employees on video are a great promo idea to make your next event a success.
Use Trending Reel Templates
Next, use have trending reel templates on social media to give your promo an extra reach boost and attract new customers. Instagram influencers are using this strategy to get unpaid extra reach on new content. Reel templates and music that are trending are prioritized by the Instagram algorithm to gain more views. Gather a few fun clips of your club or event and pop them into a pre-existing template on Instagram with hot new music. Not only will the trending reel and music make your club look “in the know,” you’ll also gain extra traction as the template is prioritized by Instagram. In summation, use trending reel templates on social media as an idea to make your promo video a success.
There are several great promo video ideas to inspire you next video and make a successful event. First, use a voice-over on top of attractive imagery to explain the purpose of your event and what makes your venue the best. Next, make a short video with a clear message to maintain your audience’s attention and get them to commit to your venue. Third, gather testimonial videos at your own club or event to show other customers why people love your style. Then, show your employees working with a welcoming disposition to encourage customers to experience kind service. After, use trending reel templates to garner extra views on social media and spread the word to a broader audience. The above promo video ideas are great inspiration to make your next even a success.