Good sports shoes are essential to the fortunes of successful sports people. Just as a car and optimal tires bring out the best in F1 top-earning drivers, the right shoes are essential for all sports from baseball to badminton. Achieving the best grip and support for your chosen sport is the job of all good athletic shoes.
However, you need to consider your shoe purchase before you take the plunge! Think about a few important aspects to spend your hard-earned money wisely, and you will thank yourself later. Try to avoid uncomfortable fabrics or counterfeit brands such as fake Adidas. Read on to find out how to get a new style – and maximum comfort – for your feet in a few simple steps.
How Will You Use Your Shoes?
As with every purchase, the first step when buying new shoes is to think about what you will use them for. From light sports shoes to hard-wearing walking boots, every type of shoe is designed with a specific purpose in mind.
Using the appropriate footwear for all your life has to throw at them will give you the best possible support for your feet and ankles. In doing so, you will reduce the chance of injuries, fatigue and painful conditions such as blisters or verruca.
Shopping Around
Visiting an AU Nike store is a great place to start. Not only will you be able to browse the extensive range of running shoes on offer, but you can also speak to a specialist advisor. Talk to the staff about your budget, needs and what you are looking for in your new shoes. If they know about any underlying conditions you may be facing, they can provide guidance on the best shoes to support your feet and ankles.
Whether you are looking for a specific running shoe or a stylish, more versatile shoe, there are all kinds of modern styles. You can use your budget to the maximum by shopping around and
Most good shoe stores will train their staff up to a level where they will be able to give you the best advice based on shoes across the industry – from the flashiest pair of Nike shoes for sale in the store, to the entry-level, but perfectly capable, shoe from a lesser-known brand. The trick lies in knowing what’s out there, and what is the best shoe for your needs. (Surprisingly, it’s not always the pricier option!)
What Do Your Shoes Do?
You should plan your shoes based on your lifestyle – not the other way around. For example, if you wear tailored suits, you’ll want a pair of shoes that compliments them. Using your budget on custom-made shoes for each activity you undertake is a sensible long-term plan. It saves you money by making your shoes last longer, and optimizes your performance in the sporting activities you choose to do.
Avoid ‘General’ Shoes
You may not realize it, but there are distinct differences between walking and running shoes. Although they can seem similar, they are constructed differently.
The natural movement of the human body is to walk, so additional support is required for running. Because of this, running shoes provide an added layer of ankle protection and padding for the sole of the foot.
Even when walking long distances, specific walking shoes provide the protection that is needed. More so, they protect those in professions where they have to be on their feet all day, such as a daycare worker at the Goddard School. This reduces the onset of blisters or other potentially painful pressure points. As well as protecting your feet, this has potential health benefits for your whole body.
The impact on your joints from intense sports activities can go largely unnoticed – until you start to feel the pain and it is already too late! The pressure of unnatural movements on the ankles, knees, hips, pelvis, spine and neck can be reduced significantly by wearing the correct, fit-for-purpose, footwear.
Kicking Out Your Old Shoes And Getting A New Style
In summary, you have made a good choice to invest in new shoes. Do a little research, think carefully about your needs, and shop around and you will put yourself in the best possible place to make a decision.
Check out some user reviews online too. This will help you see business complaints and five star views. Then, you can form a view of how the shoes perform, how long they last, and whether they are a wise investment. Shop around, find the best price, and enjoy your search – your feet and whole body will be grateful!