There are several steps to getting an alcohol server certification online. These certifications demonstrate knowledge and dedication to the bartending profession. In fact, many jurisdictions require bartenders to take the certification exam. Therefore, restaurants and bars typically hire only certified bartenders for employment. Or, they might require you to take a course and examination online. As an aspiring mixologist, you should obtain the alcohol server certification to comply with local laws and enhance your work quality. Read on to discover how to get an alcohol server certification online.
Learn State Requirements
To get started, learn the state certification requirements to complete where you plan to bartend. Since these requirements greatly differ between states, determine where you would like to work. For example, Alaska requires individuals be 21 or older to serve alcohol. Meanwhile, Georgia provides business owners freedom in developing their own programs. New York does not require certification, but considers valid certificates a mitigating factor if you violate alcohol laws. The online alcohol server certification should meet all the local and state requirements a the job location. Ensure adherence to state requirements by narrowing your search to one state. Surely, drive the rest of the certification process by learning the state requirements where you’d like to bartend.
Find Accredited Online Courses
Find accredited online courses as the second step in getting an online bartending certification. While many websites and online courses offer helpful information and techniques, few are accredited. Ensure your course meets state certification requirements by sticking with legitimate, accredited classes. These courses maximize state-specific fundamental and practical bartending technique quality. Absolutely, meet your state’s requirements and maximize training quality by choosing an accredited online course.
Determine Certification Type
Third, determine the online alcohol certification type that best fits your needs. Most states have several certification types differentiated by establishment type. For example, restaurant certifications govern establishments that sell alcohol as a secondary product to food. Alternatively, on-premises or tavern certifications are for restaurant businesses that mainly sell alcohol. Certainly, determine the establishment you’ll work in by deciding on an online alcohol certification type.
Participate In Course
Participate in a course as the next step in getting an online alcohol certification. Online accredited courses provide comprehensive training at your own pace. Typically, course loads take a few hours in total to complete. They often cover topics such as how alcohol affects the body, how to spot underage patrons/fake IDs, and recognizing when to cut someone off. Additionally, ensure continuous access to your certificate and the ability to print multiple copies by downloading your certificate on completion. Definitely, learn bartending fundamentals while ensuring access to a certification by participating in a course.
Renew Regularly
Regular renewal and updates are the last step in getting an online alcohol server certification. Most states require bartenders to renew credentials every one to three years, depending on the location. Avoid revocation of your licenses and certifications by complying with this and other local laws. This way, you remain informed of how the industry has changed since your last certification. Of course, ensure continued information of bartending trends and certification possession by renewing it regularly.
Getting an alcohol server certification online is often done in a myriad of ways. For example, start by driving the rest of the certification process via learning the state requirements where you’d like to bartend. Second, meet your state’s requirements and maximize training quality by choosing an accredited online course. Third, determine the establishment you’ll work in by deciding on an online alcohol certification type. Next, learn bartending fundamentals while ensuring access to a certification by participating in a course. Finally, ensure continued information of bartending trends and certification possession by renewing it regularly. When wondering how to get an alcohol server certification online, consider the steps described above.