If you are a marketing professional, you are always looking for the newest tips and tricks to make sure you are doing the best work you possibly can. You may now be in search of some brochure layout ideas for your latest employee advocacy marketing campaign. This post will provide you with the brochure layout ideas and tips to help you create your best brochure yet.
Choose Colors Wisely
If you are looking for brochure layout ideas, the most important factor to remember is to include bright colors. Bright colors will not only draw your audience’s attention, it will also encourage them to feel certain emotions toward your brand. Color psychology is incredibly important to successful marketing, and brochures are no different. Choose color schemes that will depict the emotions that you want your audience to relate to your company. Make sure they represent your brand, as well. Some brochure layout ideas may give you the image that bright is always better. However, if that does not fit your company’s image, this would be detrimental to your brand. Remember the importance of color when browsing for brochure layout ideas.
Unique Graphics
Another notable factor to keep in mind while organizing your brochure layout – use unique graphics and images. You would not do well to bog down your brochure with too much information via written word. Use unique graphics to convey moods, ideas and information. It is also important to make certain that the images and graphics you choose represent your company’s brand. You may find certain images that are very aesthetically pleasing but DO not necessarily serve the brochure’s purpose. Avoid this mistake. If you are able to make use of a graphic design artist, have them create new artwork for the brochure. Browse many brochure layout ideas on Google, Pinterest or elsewhere to glean some inspiration. If you make sure to include unique, eye catching graphics in your brochure layout, you will certainly be pleased with the end result that winds up in the hands of many business seminars attendees.
Remember Your Purpose
You want to be sure that in trying to come up with the best brochure layout ideas you keep in mind the purpose of your marketing materials. If you are designing a brochure for a college or other educational program, for example, you will need more statistics, data and graphs. On the other hand, if you are creating a brochure for a photography business or creative design professional, you will want to allot much more space for images and graphics than for text. Keep the marketing purpose of the design in mind when you are creating business brochures.
Interesting Shapes
When browsing brochure layout ideas, you will definitely come across many unique looking brochures in press kit examples. You would do well to make use of similar interesting shapes in your brochure. Instead of using the age old tri-fold or bi-fold brochure, why not take things in a completely new direction? Perhaps try a triangle shaped brochure, that unfolds into a full size poster. Or, choose a simple circle shaped brochure, that includes multiple pages of decreasing size. The sky is the limit. Use your imagination. The more creative your brochure is, the more likely your company is to stand out. This is exactly what you want. When looking out brochure layout ideas on the web, take note of all the interesting sizes and shapes out there. Make use of the idea in your next brochure.
Maintain Focus
The last, and perhaps most important, lesson that you may not notice when looking through tons of brochure layout ideas, is to always maintain focus on your company. This is a simple concept. Many may even feel that it goes without saying. However, when you are busy focusing on making the newest, most unique brochure out there, it is easy to lose sight of the actual mission. Your company should be the focus of the brochure. Every color, shape and graphic you choose should serve to define your brand and convey that image to your audience. Keep this in mind. Do not let your company’s brand get buried beneath loud colors and overshadowing images. Only use brochure layout ideas that will help define and positively reflect your business’ brand.
When searching the web for brochure layout ideas, you may become overwhelmed with all the possibilities. However, as long as you remember the important factors outlined in this post, you will be sure to create a successful brochure. When creating a brochure for your next marketing campaign, remember to choose colors wisely. Make sure to make use of unique, interesting graphics and shapes, as well. But always keep the focus on your company’s brand. Every color, image and shape you choose should reflect the brand and convey it to your audience in a positive manner. Keep these tips in mind on your search for brochure layout ideas. You will be sure to experience success in your next marketing campaign.
Photo from https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQkKdTWjIg89E3zEx8aGN2LTbMBwIXYZUH61pc0vCWOaKQNew62ew