Diverse work environments create more innovative, engaged, productive, and successful employees. As an HR manager, it is your duty to create such a workplace. In order to create more diverse and inclusive workplaces, you must bring various perspectives, talents, and outside experiences together. The only way this melding can be done is through diversity training programs. Unfortunately, such programs can go very wrong if not done properly. Continue reading to learn how to appropriately develop diversity training programs for a better work environment.
Conduct Employee Surveys
The first step you must take is to conduct employee surveys. You must identify the employees who will be the most effected by the diversity training program. There are numerous ways to conduct business testing. You can meet one-on-one with employees (including managers) and perform the surveys as interviews. Another option is to simply provide the survey online. An online option may be more beneficial to your results due to employees feeling more comfortable writing their answers rather than having to speak them aloud. Include questions about gender, race, age, and any other factors of bias. Question them about how they’re communicating with others at work and if they believe cultural awareness is present in the office. Surveys are an essential first step toward creating diversity training programs.
Determine Areas Of Concern
After obtaining the results of your surveys, you must determine the areas of concern. The concerns should be based on both the survey answers and your own observations. Use the survey answers to understand if there is a demographic that is over-represented. Conclude if some departments lack diversity more than others. Add any other concerns that were presented by employees at any point in time to your list. You can also use this list to suggest personal development skills, which can be incorporated into the training program. Use these areas of concern to create objectives for diversity training programs.
Develop Separate Sections
Based on the areas of concern, develop separate sections for each area. The most common examples include gender, ethnicity, religion, and political views. Build individual sections per each concerning area. Think of the individual sections as their own training program. Include any relative company policies and multiple training activities within each section. Training activities specific to each area of concern will provide ultimate focus on that concern. If you combine all of the areas into one category, your employees will not be able to fully understand the importance of each. Develop separate categories to really specify the importance of each.
Combine Training With Other Initiatives
Professionals have concluded that HR managers receive the best outcomes when initiatives are part of diversity training programs. While the usual forms of training such as presentations, lectures, and discussions can be very beneficial, you should switch it up for the best results. By incorporating different innovative ideas and initiatives into diversity training programs, you will create more of motivation for employees. An example of a useful initiative would be networking groups. Another would be mentoring. Ensure that the initiatives provided will be able to advance employees in their jobs as well as in the programs you develop.
Measure Your Results
The last major component of building an effective diversity training program is the results. You should be aware that as employees change in the workplace, so should the diversity training program. Your programs should adhere to each office specifically. As with many HR conductions, feedback is necessary for improvement. Periodically record your results. Hold interviews to understand where employees are at after participating in your training programs. Interviews could help you to determine if your goals were met. Use feedback to enhance your training programs the next time around for more efficiency.
Diversity training can be a touchy subject for employees. In order to ensure that it goes smoothly, you must create a successful program. The first step to building one is to conduct surveys. Next, determine any areas of concern. Once these areas are identified, develop separate sections based on them. Then, add initiatives into the program. After performing your diversity training programs, measure your results. You have now obtained the knowledge to develop powerful diversity training programs.