How To Do SEO For Websites In The Ecommerce Industry

The ecommerce sites with effective SEO strategies inherently drive more traffic. Plus, SEO for websites is typically inexpensive if not completely free. Ecommerce businesses can receive consistent traffic without exceeding their marketing budgets. As a marketing professional, you need to learn how to optimize websites for search engines like Google. That way, you can affordably boost traffic and, therefore, ecommerce conversions for your business. Read this post to learn how to do SEO for websites in the ecommerce industry.

Conduct Ecommerce Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the most prominent pillars of ecommerce SEO. When you begin your research, focus on finding keywords for your homepage and product pages. The best keywords for these pages are highly relevant to the content you plan to promote. Keep your keywords as specific as possible to avoid ranking for irrelevant terms. More so, choose terms that are not incredibly competitive. That way, you have a better chance of ranking for the words on popular search engines like Google. Keep this in mind as you learn how SEO for websites works in the ecommerce industry.

Simplify Your Site Architecture

Once you conduct ecommerce keyword research, simplify your site architecture. Site architecture refers to the overall structure of your online store. The main component of your website’s structure is navigation. This feature directly impacts SEO, making it a great factor to focus on during your architecture optimization. Begin by creating a quality internal linking structure that search engine bots can follow easily. These bots should be able to discover various pages and products in your store through internal links. When implementing these links, remember the three click rule. Consumers should be able to navigate to product pages from your homepage in just three simple clicks. Use this advice to simplify your site architecture and maximize your search engine rankings. Whether you market for a B2B ecommerce site or target consumers, this tactic is highly beneficial to increasing conversions.

Optimize Meta Titles And Descriptions

Next, optimize meta titles and meta descriptions on your ecommerce site. This SEO practice is best executed by starting with the most important product pages. The task of creating unique titles and descriptions for each product you sell can be time-consuming and tedious. Rather than putting time into each and every item on your site, drive traffic with your most popular products. Get as creative as possible with these meta titles and descriptions. Then, use a template for the remainder of your products. As long as you do not use the same exact group of keywords on multiple pages, using templates can still be highly effective. Follow these tips to optimize your meta titles and descriptions. Then, you can take your SEO for websites to the next level.

Implement Schema Markup

After optimizing your meta titles and descriptions, implement schema markup. This term refers to a website code. Search engines use this code to provide consumers with relevant information. When implementing this practice, focus on two types of schema markup: product and review. Product schema markup involves product name and price. The review schema markup holds two sub-categories that you need to consider. These categories are aggregate ratings and individual review. Aggregate ratings involve overall rating value, rating count, best rating and worst rating. Individual review requires reviewer, review date, review value and review body. You also need to acquire the best and worst ratings for this section. Implement schema markup to improve SEO for websites in the ecommerce industry.

Create Simple, Readable URLs

Finally, create readable URLs to take your SEO to the next level. Successful ecommerce stores use URLs that are short and easy to understand. Each product page should have a URL that includes the primary keyword. Popular search engines like Google can easily identify these products as representations of keywords. Hence, you can increase your chances of ranking by adding keywords to your URLs. In addition, avoid phrases that make URLs longer. Many ecommerce businesses include terms like “/collections/” in their product page URLs. Search engines do not favor these page URLs because they are more difficult to understand. Keep your product page URLs as short and to-the-point as possible. In turn, you can boost your search engine rankings.

In order to drive more traffic to your ecommerce site, you need to optimize for search engines. One of the best SEO best practices for ecommerce sites is to conduct keyword research. After you discover the best keywords for your brand, products and pages, simplify your site architecture to offer clearer navigation. Then, optimize your meta titles and descriptions for major products. Implement product and review schema markup as well. Furthermore, create simple and readable URLs to become more attractive to search engines. Follow these steps to do SEO for websites in the ecommerce industry.

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