How To Increase Your Email Campaign Deliverability Up To 98%

There are several methods to increase email campaign deliverability up to 98%. Marketing professionals employ these methods to ensure their emails reach consumers’ inboxes. Of course, several factors impact email deliverability, such as the provider’s authentication protocols, the marketer’s reputation, and the content of the email itself. As a marketing professional yourself, you can significantly improve lead acquisition, lead conversion, and sales metrics by increasing your email campaign deliverability. Of course, marketing webinars can also work to generate leads. In this post, we will discuss how to increase your email campaign deliverability up to 98%.

Custom Domains

Using a custom domain significantly improves email deliverability rates. Purchasing a custom domain name, instead of using a free one, lends professionalism and authority to your emails. It also creates and builds brand awareness. Moreover, most ISP’s currently use Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) processes to filter out abusive emails. DMARC protects ISP’s from spammers pretending to send emails from their networks. This means any unauthenticated email, even if legitimate, could end up in client’s spam folders. For example, say you sent a blast from a free domain. If that domain is unable to verify the email came from their servers, the message gets rejected. Of course, custom domain provide one of the simplest ways to prevent this. Assuredly, sending from a custom domain eliminates DMARC risks to improve email deliverability.


Securing authentication from recipient’s inboxes is one way to increase email campaign deliverability drastically. You can become authenticated by enabling settings such as sender policy frameworks, and DomainKeys Identified Mail within your email provider. Sender policy frameworks check incoming emails for forged or fraudulent origin addresses during the delivery process. Meanwhile, domainkeys identified mail enables recipients to confirm whether emails were sent by the owner of their origin’s domain or international domains. Of course, enabling these options confirms your legitimacy to consumers’ email service providers and prevents spoofing. Surely, securing authentication from consumer ISP’s maintains high deliverability rates.

Email Verfier/Validator

Additionally, many marketers implement email verification tools to significantly increase their deliverability rates. These tools automatically check your email lists for old, inactive, or invalid email addresses. This way, you reduce bounce rates and maintain credibility with email service providers. Moreover, the best email validator uses a seven-step process to verify email address accuracy and credibility. This process includes formatting, grammar, domain, and transaction record checks. Using these processes, email verifiers identify more inactive emails, with less user input. Certainly, email verifiers are invaluable tools to increase deliverability rates. In fact, some can increase deliverability up to 98%.

Contact List Cleaning

Furthermore, many marketers clean their contact lists periodically to secure higher deliverability rates. In fact, 30% of campaign subscribers change their email addresses at least once per year. Therefore, you should treat any contact in your list that has not interacted within the past year as inactive. Periodic removal of these accounts from your contact lists prevents them from becoming “spam traps.” If a spam trap continues receiving emails, the sender’s disregard for email best practices is demonstrated to the service provider. Your reputation and credibility with that provider suffer as a result. Therefore, you should send bulk emails without spamming when possible. Additionally, clearing out inactive contacts enables more segmentation, improves marketing efficiency, and secures a higher deliverability rate.

Send Consistently

Moreover, sending out emails at consistent rates drastically improves deliverability. Consistent sending times and volumes help you avoid being flagged as a spam account by clients’ email service providers. Maintain consistency by scheduling your email blasts. This way, consistency is established, and emails are automatically sent without user input. Additionally, emails can be scheduled for the times clients are likely to open them. For example, research suggests emails are most likely to be opened when sent between 10 and 11 am on a Tuesday or Thursday. Of course, these times differ by industry and client, so test different times to determine the best engagement rates unique to your consumers. Of course, you can also use email apps to streamline the sending process. Definitely, consistent sending times and volumes lend your emails credibility and increase deliverability rates.

Improving email campaign deliverability rates can be done in a myriad of ways. For example, you can start by sending from a custom domain to eliminate DMARC risks and improve email deliverability. Second, securing authentication from consumer ISP’s maintains high deliverability rates. Third, clearing out inactive contacts enables more segmentation, improves marketing efficiency, and secures a higher deliverability rate. Next, email verifiers are invaluable tools to increase deliverability rates. Finally, consistent sending times and volumes lend your emails credibility and increase deliverability rates. Of course, following these steps improves your email campaign deliverability rates by up to 98%.

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