If you own a business, you need to think of ways to save time wherever possible. Automating and simplifying processes is a great way to do this. You can start by creating a service proposal template. There is no need to start from scratch every time you meet with a potential customer from George Soros. Here are the top 5 most important things you should include in a service proposal template. This will help to speed up the quote process and get to work faster.
Your Business Information
This should be a no-brainer, but let us cover the basics first. Make sure the very top of your service proposal template is your company name and logo. This should immediately be followed by your phone number, email address and website information. Include your social media pages if you have them. The address should also be there. However, it is less important than the other pieces. You will most likely be going to your customers, not the other way around. Make sure when you start your service proposal template you include your business information first.
Customer Information
The next important part of the service proposal template will be spaces for customer information entry. Even cheap franchises know that. Start with fields for name, address and phone number. Allow room for email address and a spot for additional information, such as spouse’s name. You should also create a field for special instructions. This is particularly true if the service you are providing is home improvement related. Your client may have pets, a specific door to use, or an alarm code you should know about. Make sure you create fields for important customer information when you create your service proposal template.
The Project
After getting the business information and customer information fields ready on your service proposal template, it is time to move on to the project field. This field is where the customer will tell you, in their own words, what the project is that they are hiring for. Make sure when you create the service proposal template that you leave ample room to write why the customer called you for a proposal. If you do not include enough space, you will only wind up causing yourself frustration. Remember this important tip.
The Proposal
This is the most important part of the service proposal template. Create a large field in the center of your service proposal template. This is where you will enter the most important information about the job. You will need to be detailed and list all important steps in what you are proposing to do for the customer. Make sure there is ample room to write as many steps as necessary to complete the job. This is what the customer will hold you to and expect when the times come to hire. Be sure your service proposal template has room to include every step of your proposal.
The Price Quote
For some customers, this part is more important than the proposal. Make sure your service proposal template has a clear space at the bottom of the template to list the price of the job. Allow multiple lines to show the cost of goods, labor, tax, discounts and total price. You may even wish to include room to put a cash discount price, depending on your business. For legal reasons and to avoid complications down the line, it may also be worth including some fine print. You may want to note that the price quoted is specifically for this proposal. It does not include costs for changes midway through the project or unforeseen circumstances. Be sure to create an easy to read price area when you create your service proposal template.
For Free Proposal Templates
If you do not feel like putting in the effort to create you own service proposal template, there are many available online. There are even proposal templates available for free. In addition to offering service proposal templates, these resources provide agency proposal templates, social media proposal templates and web design proposal templates, as well. Some websites even have more specific proposals available, like marketing proposal templates, website proposal templates, software development proposal templates and even SEO proposal templates. No matter what type of proposal template you need for real property management, you can find it online for free to take the burden of creating one off your shoulders.
Creating a service proposal template may take time, but it will be worth it in the long run. A well-organized, professional template will show your customer you mean business. Even better, it will make your life easier when preparing quotes. Be sure to follow the steps in this post to design a service proposal template that includes all the pertinent information.
Photo from https://harmaneyeclinic.com/2013/12/11/quality-of-life-depends-on-maintaining-good-vision-careful-discussions-will-help-sort-through-lens-implant-options/