All You Need To Know About Assembly Line Robots

Robots are changing how operations are carried out in the assembly of products where they are widely used.  With the huge adoption of robots and automation in the sector, it is essential that all business people involved in the assembly of products flow with the tide of change so as to remain relevant in the market and keep up with the competition.

Assembly line robots have been adopted quickly in the market because of their capability to carry out tasks that proved to be strenuous to human beings. In addition they are able to work for long hours without tiring and while maintaining the same working speed.

The Impact Of Assembly Line Robots

Just like any other robot being used in the market, assembly line robots are being viewed by people as a threat to their jobs. The truth however is that these robots are not here to displace anyone but to improve the quality of the assembly process while cutting down on the costs and time of production.

It is important for developing countries to embrace the use of assembly line robots so that they are able to produce products that compete at the global market. This success facilitates the expansion of the manufacturing business sector in the country leading to creation of more job opportunities. The truth therefore about assembly line robots is that their application will not only benefit the country but the other workers at the assembly line as well.

Types Of Assembly Line Robots

Assembly line robots are classified according to the vision sensors and the force sensors that they have installed in the. Vision sensors enable the robot to determine the size and distance of an object to enable the robot to know how to grip the object and at what speed it is traveling at. The force sensing system enables assembly line robots to execute tasks involving the joining of two parts by giving it instructions on how much force it is supposed to apply without damaging the parts. Some of the configurations on assembly line robots include:

Delta configuration

Delta robots are advantageous in that the moving parts tend to be light as the heavy parts are fixed on a frame. The robot looks like a spider fixed on the ceiling with the motor positioned at the base enabling the movement of its three arms.


SCARA which stands for Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm has a parallel-axis layout of the joints which make its inflexible in the z-axis but easily bent to the x y-axis.

Articulated robots

These 6-axis articulated robots have an increased flexibility with their degree of freedom enabling them to move in both the vertical and horizontal directions. Articulated robots have the ability to cover a larger working envelope making them suited for both floor and ceiling operations.

Application Of Assembly Line Robots

Assembly line robots are mainly used in the connection of parts such as motors and gear boxes. They have also thrived well in the putting together of home appliance, electronic device and medical device industries. Assembly line robots are developed for execution of tasks that require both high speed and greater accuracy in their execution. At the assembly line they also come in handy when dealing with parts that are too small to be handled by the human eye.

Assembly line robots are also used in the assembly of medical devices where it is necessary that high levels of cleanliness be observed to avoid contamination of the device. They are able o work for long time periods without tiring and while maintaining high quality of work.

The application of assembly line robots at your assembly point will definitely lead to the lowering of your operational costs while increasing your production capacity and the quality of the output. They are also very flexible in that they can be reprogrammed to carry out various tasks at the assembly point.

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