There are many best CI/CD practices for reliable pipelines. In fact, these practices often improve pipeline reliability, reduce runtimes, and automate various processes such as quality assurance. Most notably, they improve pipeline reliability via significant speed and accuracy improvements. Absolutely, software developers leverage these practices to maintain focus on monitoring systems, enable easy access to new versions, and track changes. In this post, we’ll discuss several best CI/CD practices for reliable pipelines.
Prioritize Security
Prioritizing security is one of the most imperative CI/CD pipeline practices due to their status as a prime target for hackers. CI/CD systems are an efficient point of entry for malicious actors because they access your codebases and credentials for deployment. Prevent significant financial and reputational losses to your business by prioritizing security in all development processes. Mitigate exposure by isolating your CI/CD systems into secure internal networks. Additionally, further minimize the threats your pipelines are exposed to with two-factor authentication and the use of VPNs. These types of business security systems help you safeguard privacy and security while using the internet. Surely, reduce your CI/CD pipeline’s exposure to various threats by prioritizing data security.
Testing And Quality Assurance
Testing and other quality assurance processes are another CI/CD best practice that ensures the quality of your release. Highlight errors and improve their recovery speed by testing your pipelines frequently. Additionally, ensure robust insights from fixed errors and defects by testing in small batches. Moreover,expand the scope of your quality assurance processes and the number of errors found by testing the code involved. Further this expansion by testing your own processes. Absolutely, testing your pipelines at maximum scope to mitigate errors and increase reliability.
Use A Trusted Automation Tool
Implementing a trusted, reputable automation tool is an additional CI/CD best practice that streamlines your pipelines. Throughout programming, there are several tasks every small business owner should automate. These tools enable faster updates by automating all team and tooling processes. This way, dev teams focus more on improving pipeline reliability with their newfound time. Further improve reliability and reduce the development time needed to create complicated pipelines by eliminating scripting requirements. Certainly, improve development efficiency and reliability using trusted automation tools.
Isolated Environments
Running and testing CI/CD pipelines in isolated environments is another reliability-improving best practice that improves the precision of your test results. Ensure your tests are running in isolated environments using various containerized tools. Additionally, validate the independence of your UI elements by testing them within isolated environments, as well. This way, you maximize these productivity improvements via precise, accurate testing. Definitely, maximize pipeline reliability with the test result improvements granted by isolated environments.
Production Parity
Lastly, maintaining parity with production is the final CI/CD best practice we’ll discuss. Ensure your tests reflect the pipeline’s behavior in production by replicating production environments within your testing environments. Significant disparities between testing and production prevent certain errors from being observed, and often lead to serious production issues. Ensure the accuracy of your testing processes by switching production traffic between similar environments. These environments should alternate production and staging designations. This way, you ensure your code’s consistency by segmenting variable data types. Of course, maximize the precision and accuracy of your testing environments by maintaining parity with production.
There is a myriad of CI/CD best practices for reliable pipelines. For example, reduce your CI/CD pipeline’s exposure to various threats by prioritizing data security. Second, testing your pipelines at maximum scope to mitigate errors and increase reliability. Third, improve development efficiency and reliability using trusted business artificial intelligence automation tools. Next, maximize pipeline reliability with the test result improvements granted by isolated environments. Finally, maximize the precision and accuracy of your testing environments by maintaining parity with production. When searching for CI/CD best practices for reliable pipelines, consider the practices described above.