The business makes the world go round these days. It is important to make sure that the economies of many countries can survive. This is especially true with what we are experiencing recently. The coronavirus pandemic has taken a toll not just with our health, but with the business sector as well. As seen in many industries, many of them have decided to either close or declare bankruptcy. Some have also resulted in downsizing their employees.
It can be quite perplexing to start any kind of business these days. More people are clamoring for jobs because they have been laid off. It is already challenging to start a business, let alone in the middle of a pandemic. We do find ways as humans though, and you can see it through the efforts of millions of people. This situation might continue until the near future, but we must live on as a species.
The Internet World At A Glance
One of the main ways that you can start is through the internet. Anyone can do business nowadays as long as you have the connections. With social media being the number one way of communication, it is no surprise that people are starting to flock here for their business. It is a credible source of income as well; you can see it through the profits of most people. The pandemic might have stopped the operations of some businesses, but online is booming.
If you want to start a company though, you need to know what you want to do. Yes, some areas might be more profitable than others. For example, food delivery and related services are becoming the only way to eat out. Some restaurants still refuse to open, but with driving companies like Grab and restaurants trying to deliver it can still work. However, this will not be enjoyable if you are not into it at all.
Once you have already chosen what you want to do, then the next thing is to know where to do transactions. As we have said, online is the safest way to get around this goal. However, others turn to build websites with content distribution networks instead of focusing on social media. You can also combine the two. Other strategies might include search engine optimization, content creation and the like. It is a big world in this virtual scene, and there is always room for more.
Unfortunately, these concepts would not mean anything without a name.
Choosing A Cool Business Name
What is in a name, you ask? It is a word that signifies anything, creating thoughts and ideas about that certain object, person, or topic. There are many iterations of it, and most of us do have names. It is a symbol of our identity as a person, and the same can be said with your company name.
As you have already guessed or experienced for yourself, coming up with the perfect brand name is easier said than done. Luckily, you don’t have to wrack your brains thinking about it yourself. Websites like can help you generate the very best ones almost instantly. These companies can help you industry-competitive names that will surely capture the market’s attention.
There are always simpler ways of naming your company or venture. You can use your own and add signifiers depending on what area you are focusing on. It can also be an acronym, which is easier especially for those who want to have an easier time with the consumers. However, you might also be one of those who are looking for a cool name. Something that can stand the test of time and criticism. It is also a name that has the potential to become a common household word, like the ones we see today.
What Makes A Cool Name
Naming your business can be tricky, but several aspects can make it more impactful for your potential clients. As this practice is more of an art than science, there is a lot more freedom for you to choose. This is where the pitfalls start appearing though, as too much freedom can lead to too many choices.
Short Yet Interesting
It is important to choose a word that has less than three syllables. It would be even better if you can stick to one. For example, there are so many companies that can just be said in under a second. Google, Walmart, Facebook, Wendy’s… the list can go on, and this is just some products that are well-known all over the world. You can easily see the pattern.
Now, some companies have longer names. Sometimes, the owners may opt to advertise by cutting it like FedEx for Federal Express. Others opt for acronyms as well like ABC for American Broadcasting Company. It depends on what you have chosen, and what your mission-vision is for your company.
Unique And Creative
Another aspect that makes a name so much better is its uniqueness. It should not be like anyone else’s brand. This is not just for brand recall, but it helps you avoid copyright claims. There have been numerous cases around the world that have made international headlines all because one organization has the same name as another.
This is why many companies are not opting for acronyms when choosing the perfect company name. It can be so easy to make one that is already done by another. One good example is ABC, which has already been used as an example in the previous number, This can also mean Australian Broadcasting Corporation. There are also distributors having the same acronym, which can lead to confusion amongst your consumers.
Marketable And Trendy
The name should also be marketable to the common people. Unless you are targeting a more luxurious audience, then it would be safe to gauge using the taste of the masses. Use the local language as much as possible, but English is still a safer choice. It should also be devoid of anything that would connect the company to something negative. Racial implications, Nazi symbolism and profane words are just some that you need to avoid.
A trendy term can be something that you can use but be careful. Some terminologies might already be outdated before you can even use it. Do your research and think of what is best for your company. It should be a word that can give you the image of what your business is all about without even seeing your products.