Accepting credit cards is a must in today’s economy. If you are a small business owner, you may be concerned about the costs associated with credit card processing. There are a handful of fees and you may feel that your credit card transactions are eating away at your profits. This does not always have to be the case, as saving money can be as simple as choosing the right credit card processor. Consider switching to one of the top credit card processors listed below, and you can be sure that your credit card worries will be laid to rest.
Payline Data
Payline is great for small business because it allows flexibility on costs based on your sales volume. If your credit card transactions add up to less than $5k a year, you pay 0.5% + $0.1 per transaction. Once you go over $5k, you start paying slightly less per transaction. This eliminates the burden of worrying about constant credit card processing, unlike most POS systems for iPad. Payline also offers an affordable base plan, and you are not required to pay for anything additional unless you ask for it. If price and flexibility are important for your business needs, Payline is a great credit card processing option for you.
CreditCardProcessing Online is a top contender when it comes to the best credit card processing services for small business in particular. The service is suitable for processing figures between $2,500 and $75,00 monthly. If your monthly business revenue exceeds that number, you will need to consider other credit card processing services. For brand new businesses, this is an especially enticing option. The website allows you to start an account with no money down. Consider your business and its monthly cash flow to determine whether CreditCardProcessing is the best credit card processor for your small business.
Dharma Merchant Services
Dharma has some of the lowest transaction fees on the market and very cheap plans overall. Their main draw however, is their discounted rate for non-profit organizations. If your business involves a lot of credit card donations, in addition to a ton of documents and files, you will find that your transaction fees are either massively discounted or waived altogether. They are also incredibly transparent in their business practices and offer reliable customer service. If you are a non-profit or you simply care about businesses that don’t place all of their value on money, Dharma should stand out as a top credit card processor.
CDGcommerce is one credit card processor that does not charge you any hidden fees, unlike many others in the industry. Create a merchant account to experience the benefits of no account setup fees, no PCI compliance fees, no monthly minimums and no early termination fees. For only $10/month, you can access a basic CDGcommerce merchant account with free use of the Quantum payment gateway, or virtual terminal. You can also lease credit card terminals right from this same company. If you want a low-cost, monthly payment option without having to worry about hidden fees for easy credit cards charges, consider CDGcommerce.
Helcim is very transparent about disclosing their fees. They have no monthly minimum, no setup fees and no termination fees. You can basically expect your time with them to be straightforward and inconsequential. While their online credit card transaction fees may be comparable to other processors, their fees for retail transactions are discounted and some of the lowest on the market. For this reason, retail businesses should strongly consider Helcim as the best credit card processing and mobile POS option for them.
Braintree is an online-only credit card processor designed specifically for internet companies, so there is no equipment lease to worry about. What makes them so great is their high degree of customization. They offer a variety of services designed to fit your specific needs. They also allow you to use a handful of payment options including Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex, Apple Pay, One Touch and Paypal. You can take your mind off costs as well, as they have no fees other than their transaction fees. If you have an internet-based startup, Braintree’s customize-able features and lack of fees should cater directly to your needs.
Credit card processing can be a pain for your small business. The fees per transaction can be a hindrance on your profits and the need to make monthly payments can place a burden on your finances. The credit card processors listed here however, offer some of the best prices with special features designed to fit specific business needs. Examine each of their benefits carefully, and you are sure to find a provider that takes away the burdens of credit card processing so that you have more time for creating password policies that protect your business.
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