HubSpot is a marketing and sales software program that can help to greatly improve your business. However, before you can truly decide if HubSpot software is right for your company, you must first consider your budget. After all, you do not want your marketing strategies to take away from payroll funding resources. The HubSpot Pricing Calculator can assist you with this task. Below, we have outlined how to use this feature so that you can ensure that you are getting the most accurate information for your business.
Step 1: Visit HubSpot
If you have been considering HubSpot as a marketing software option, you may already be familiar with their website. In order to access the pricing tool, you will need to go to After you have located the website, take a moment to peruse and find more information on the software you would like to purchase.
Step 2: Go To “Pricing”
Once you have located the website and had a chance to poke around, it is time to go to the “Pricing” page. The “Princing” button should be located in the top menu of the website, like it is for most insurance agent websites as well. Once you click it, you will be directed to the Pricing page. Then, scroll down to find the “Calculate Your Price” button and click that as well.
Step 3: Determine Your Needs
After you have reached the HubSpot pricing calculator, you will be prompted to fill in some information about your specific business. Primarily, you will be asked about the number of contacts your business has to deal with as that will determine the specific HubSpot plan you need. The more contacts you have, the more intricate the plan and the higher the price. Be sure to choose the one that most closely matches your needs.
Step 4: Consider Add-Ons And Services
When you have chosen a plan and entered your number of contacts you can move on to choosing services and add-ons. An updated financial statement should appear on the righthand side of the window as you add and remove items. Here, you can decide what other features you may need. Do your employees need training? Would you like a HubSpot hosted website? The add-ons and services available in steps 2 and 3 of the HubSpot Pricing Calculator are optional, so be sure to keep an eye on how much they may cost you. Otherwise, you will be looking for loans for bad credit in the not-so-distant future.
Step 5: Download Quote
Now that you have input your number of contacts and added all of the extra features you want, HubSpot can give you an accurate price quote for your business. Simply click “Finish” in the bottom righthand corner of the screen and view your financial statement. If this price seems reasonable, you can download the quote and begin taking the necessary steps to implement HubSpot into your business. However, if you are still unsure, you can also choose to try the HubSpot software for a free one month trial!
Building A HubSpot Pricing Calculator
If you choose to sign up for HubSpot marketing software, you should know that this also grants you access to tools for building a pricing calculator for your own small business. Just as you used the HubSpot pricing calculator to determine costs for your own business to use the service, you can create similar pricing calculators easily with a HubSpot account. You are going to need some coding knowledge to turn a Hubspsot form into a pricing calculator. However, if you are not a developer, you can follow along with how to create a HubSpot pricing calculator directions online. This is a great, little-known hack to take advantage of.
HubSpot is a great software option that can fulfill many of your business needs. Now that you know how to use the HubSpot pricing calculator, you can begin to look into getting their marketing and sales programs for your business. Follow these 5 steps as you continue researching whether HubSpot is right for you.
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