5 Inexpensive Catering Ideas For Work Lunches

Numerous business owners use inexpensive catering ideas to provide employees with quality lunches at work. As a business owner, you need to show your employees appreciation every now and again. One way to do so is by buying them lunch. Some company owners get lunch catered to their offices for events as well. Regardless of your reason for getting lunch catered, doing so can be a difficult task. After all, you want to stick to your budget and meet all of your workers’ dietary needs. In this post, you will discover the top inexpensive catering ideas for work lunches.

Arrange Buffets

Consider arranging buffets as an inexpensive catering idea for lunch at the office. Businesses ranging from payment processing companies to marketing agencies take advantage of this low-cost option. Most individuals assume that buffets are more expensive than individual meals. While this can be true at certain high-end restaurants, buffets are typically cheaper when catering in-office. This is especially true for business owners with a large number of employees. Some nice restaurants charge a lot of money for one meal. When you cannot control what employees order, they can end up purchasing the most expensive meals on the menu. To avoid giving employees options, cater buffets over individual meals. In doing so, you will stick to your budget and satisfy your employees simultaneously.

More Variety

Business owners succeed in sticking to their budgets by offering more variety when catering as well. This inexpensive catering idea entails requesting more diverse meal options, but less food in total. Typically, workers take smaller portions of food when there is a wide variety. After all, they want to try everything their bosses provided. Since they get to taste every option with smaller portions, they become satisfied much faster. They do not have to go back up for seconds or thirds because they already got a bit of everything on their first plate. If you want to decrease your catering costs, opt for more variety and smaller serving sizes. Then, you will not run up your credit card processing fees.

Order A Dip Station

Another popular inexpensive catering option is to order a dip station. They are usually much cheaper than expensive meals, but still satisfy employees. Workers enjoy dip stations because they can customize their lunches. If you get a hummus dipping station, workers can choose between pita chips and veggies for dipping. Some business owners get dessert dip stations to avoid over-spending on pastries. Popular dessert dip stations include chocolate dip with fruit, pretzels and biscotti. Keep this option in mind for an inexpensive catering idea that is fun and delicious.

Skip The Appetizers

Business owners save money with the inexpensive catering idea of skipping the appetizers. This is a particularly reasonable option for business owners serving employees lunch. While they may expect appetizers for dinner work events, they likely will not think twice about you not having appetizers for lunch in the office. Many lunches do not pair well with appetizers to begin with. When looking at price on a bite-by-bite basis, business owners typically pay more for appetizers than lunch itself. Therefore, you can save by skipping the appetizers altogether. In doing so, you will have enough financing to enhance your sales and operations planning.

Pizza Parties

Lastly, do not underestimate the power of pizza parties at work. This inexpensive catering idea does not get enough credit. After all, most employees love pizza. They might even purchase their own slices during their lunch breaks. Visit your local pizza shop and be amazed at how low the prices are compared to other office lunch options. On top of the low price, most pizza places offer gluten-free and vegan options as well. Thus, you can adhere to the dietary needs of everyone in your office at a low cost. Take advantage of this inexpensive catering idea to satisfy employees without putting a whole in your wallet.

Contrary to popular belief, you can provide your workers with top-notch lunches in the office without going over budget. Business owners with a large number of employees arrange buffets to avoid paying for 20+ pricey meals. Get away with purchasing less food by getting a wider variety of options in smaller portion sizes. Order a dip station to keep the price low and lunch exciting. Since workers do not expect appetizers for lunch, skip them altogether. Finally, consider throwing a pizza party to meet the dietary needs of every worker at a low cost. Keep these inexpensive catering ideas for work lunches in mind to satisfy employees and avoid breaking the bank.

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