5 Low-Cost Marketing Material Ideas for Small Businesses

Marketing materials are used by businesses big and small to reach new audiences. Many of these materials can be easily created at low costs. In addition, they can help increase brand reach, and profits. Moreover, there are these materials can be great local advertising ideas to establish small business recognition. As a marketing professional, you may find employing these materials a prudent decision. Fortunately, these materials tend to have potentially massive ROI values. Read on to discover 5 low-cost marketing material ideas for small businesses.


Creating and distributing physical materials, such as brochures, is one great low-cost marketing idea. They can introduce your brand to potential customers as well as provide instructions on how to purchase. Keeping a consistent brand design on your brochures will ensure the clarity of your brand’s message and mission. Include contact information as well, so consumers can have their questions and concerns addressed. This will go a long way in establishing a new customer’s trust in your brand. Surely, brochures are a great marketing material idea for small businesses on a budget.

Business Cards

Business cards are another example of an awesome marketing material idea for small businesses. They are inexpensive to make, easy to give out, and also lend your brand credibility. You should always keep some on your person to give out to any potential leads you encounter. In addition to contact information, include links to branded social media accounts and websites on the back. Creating unique business cards and distributing them at events you attend will attract customers and credibility to your brand on a large scale. Absolutely, creatively-made business cards will greatly increase your brand’s reach.

Branded Apparel

A third example of an incredible marketing material idea is branded apparel, such as t-shirts and hoodies. People who wear branded apparel do so to show pride that they have in the brand they’re representing. When a consumer sees employees wearing branded apparel, they know those employees care about making an impression. Therefore, going above and beyond for the customer becomes a natural expectation. In addition, allowing consumers to purchase branded apparel will provide free advertising. In fact, consumers will have paid your brand for the opportunity to advertise, whether they know it or not. Of course, branded apparel is an incredibly prudent marketing material idea to run with.

Case Studies And Testimonials

Case studies and testimonials are an additional example of a low-cost marketing material idea. They give potential customers a good idea of the successful work your brand has done previously. In addition, using case studies and testimonials as material for sales folders and presentations is a great way to encourage new customers to make a purchase. Flyers can be used to hand out printed case studies and testimonials. Using this medium provides flexibility in possible layouts due to the space provided. As a result, case studies and testimonials are great marketing materials to encourage potential purchases.


Letterheads are a stellar marketing material idea, as well. With these materials, you can customize letterheads and then send customers personalized communications. They can be altered and personalized to suit each individual client. Using this option will help your brand appear more professional, while simultaneously giving correspondence a more personal touch. In addition, some clients may appreciate the time and effort put into a written note as opposed to a simple email or other digital marketing interaction. This is a great tactic to create brand differentiation. Naturally, the personalization offered by letterheads is a great marketing material idea to consider.

There are a vast number of marketing material ideas out there. One of the best for small businesses on a budget is designing brochures that will introduce your brand. Another great material idea is to distribute business cards to lend credibility to your brand. Branded apparel can provide public confidence in your brand as well as free advertising. Case studies and testimonials will go a long way in convincing undecided customers to make their purchases. Finally, custom letterheads offer a personal touch for all your consumers. When searching for marketing material ideas for your small business, consider the examples described above.

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