5 Portfolio Management Best Practices To Mitigate Investment Risk

Investing is a great way to earn passive income, especially if you are one of those investors buying stocks online. However, even the best stocks can wind up producing little return on investment if you do not properly balance your portfolio. Portfolio management is a crucial component of finding success in the stock market. Find out the portfolio management best practices you need to avoid risky investments and earn huge ROI below.

Be Aware Of Taxes

When trading, you need to be aware of the tax implications for every transaction you make. Taxable accounts will require you to pay taxes on capital gains from selling shares. That is why you will want to factor how long you have possessed these holdings into your decision of whether or not to trade. Otherwise, you may wind up selling at a loss just to pay Uncle Sam. Keep this in mind when managing your portfolio.

Dedicate Resources To Winners

The best portfolio management strategies dedicate more resources to winning stocks. You will always have some shares that perform better than others. When this occurs, consider relocating some assets from the poorly performing stocks to the high-performing stocks. Do not entirely get rid of all your shares for those that are performing poorly. This will lead to poor risk management. But, re-dedicating resources from under-performing stocks to successful stocks will help you properly manage your investment portfolio for the highest possible returns, just like the wealth advisory experts do.

Invest In What You Know

Diversification is important, but so is investing in what you know. Only buy shares of companies that you understand. If you do not know what a company does, it can be hard to determine whether or not they are a viable investment option. Having a basic understanding of the company and its offerings will help you determine whether or not they will produce high returns. That is why investing in what you know is one of the crucial investment portfolio management best practices.


Diversifiy your stock holdings. This is the only way to manage investment risk effectively. When you put all your eggs in one basket, you will make decisions based on fleeting emotions. This will cost you in the end. Instead, buy a number of different stocks from a variety of industries. That way, when one stock takes a dip, you will not be so inclined to panic. When you properly diversify your stock portfolio, you will be making use of effective risk management strategies that will be evident in your investment returns.

Start Small

Although you want to diversify your holdings, you do not want to have too many different stocks to manage. This will only complicate things. Instead, limit yourself to just a few stocks to start out. Managing your own portfolio will take a lot of time for stock vesting, even if you only have a few different stocks to manage. Do not complicate things further by buying more stocks. This will only hurt your capacity to stay in-the-know about stock performance. Follow this tip to manage portfolios more efficiently and effectively.

If you are an investor, you know that managing your own portfolio is hard work. However, it can be simplified. You just need to follow the portfolio management tips mentioned above. These portfolio management strategies are sure to help you diversify risk and earn high returns. Let us know how they work out for you in the comments below.

Photo from http://www.perkinelmer.com/clinical-development-analytics/portfolio-management/

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