There are several steps to posting a job on Indeed for free. Indeed is currently the largest job board in the United States and represents 16.36% of the global job board market share. Of course, posting to this board significantly expands the number of applicants your jobs will reach without any monetary investment. As an HR professional, provide enterprise-quality reach expansions at no cost by posting to Indeed for free. Read on to discover how to post a job on Indeed for free.
Account Creation
Creating a free account is the first step to posting jobs on Indeed. Simply go to and navigate to the “post job” button. From there, you will be prompted to create an employer account. Fill out the forms with pertinent company information to create the account. Alternatively, use a business unit name to post blind ads helpful in finding position replacements without the current position knowing. Surely, provide relevant information about your company by creating an employer account as the first step.
Title Considerations
Making several job title considerations is the second step in posting jobs to Indeed for free. Start by considering the keywords your ideal candidates would search for instead of those that match the role exactly. Next, incorporate these keywords into concise descriptions of the role’s main responsibilities, especially for service-based businesses. Avoid special characters and unnecessary capitalization while keeping your title under eighty characters to maximize the number of reached applicants. Absolutely, keep your titles clear and concise to reach the maximum number of applicants.
Thorough Job Descriptions
The third step in posting free jobs to Indeed is writing a thorough description of the job. These descriptions should also be concise, but informative enough for prospective applicants to self-qualify. In fact, jobs with descriptions between 700 and 2000 characters receive significantly more applicants than those outside the same parameters. Grab applicants’ attention with a strong opening paragraph, then talk honestly about the role’s day to day responsibilities. Additionally, specify your educational or certification requirements and years of experience desired. Certainly, ensure applicant’s fit for the job’s responsibilities with thorough job descriptions.
Indeed Quality Guidelines
Fourth, several Indeed quality guidelines ensure the permanence of your free job postings. Note these are not official guidelines, but general rules of thumb for maintaining Indeed’s quality standards. If posted jobs aren’t respectful, informative, or real, Indeed will remove them. Prevent this by keeping application processes simple and storing candidates’ data securely. Additionally, avoid advertising career fairs, franchising opportunities, and multi-level-marketing positions. Finally, avoid posting the same ad several times in a short window, or from multiple locations. Of course, you may need a logo on your post to make it easier to identify your company. Definitely, ensure the quality and permanence of your postings by following several quality guidelines.
Claim Company Page
Lastly, claiming your company’s Indeed page is the final step in posting a free job. When your account was created, a web page for your business was also created by Indeed. Enable your business’s customization and control of this page by claiming it as your business. This way, you add more company information for prospective applicants, directly respond to reviews, and aggregate all your openings. Providing this information often provides candidates more information for determining their fit within your company. Of course, provide more self-determination information for prospective applicants with a claimed company page.
Posting a job on Indeed for free can be done in a myriad of ways. For example, start by providing relevant information about your company by creating an employer account as the first step. Second, keep your titles clear and concise to reach the maximum number of applicants. Third, ensure applicant’s employment history is fit for the job’s responsibilities with thorough job descriptions. Next, ensure the quality and permanence of your postings by following several quality guidelines. Finally, provide more self-determination information for prospective applicants with a claimed company page. When wondering how to post a job on Indeed for free, consider the steps described above.