5 Major Stages Of The Product Development Cycle Process

There are several major stages of the product development cycle process. Each product, including Intuit small business products, have used this process to come to life. Typically, companies follow a structure process to envision, create and market new product ideas. New products go through various stages of development before being launched into the market. Depending on your product, these stages can include researching, planning, designing and testing. As a product developer, these stages allow you to explore new product ideas and understand your market for viability. This way, you can learn more about your product and your consumers in the early stages of conceptualization. Follow these major stages of the product development cycle process. 

Idea Generation

A major stage in the product development cycle process is idea generation. During ideation, businesses form new product ideas based on customer needs, pricing and research. First, identify your target market to build your product concept toward the right demographics. Then, evaluate your existing products to decide if your new product idea will be practical compared to the market. Assess the functionality of your new product idea to decide if consumers will purchase it. Additionally, you can analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of your new product to ensure the product will be unique. Of course, follow this stage in the product development cycle.

Research and Screening

Another major stage in the product development cycle is research and screening. Filter your new product ideas through an impartial screening process to isolate the viable ones. FIrst, seek feedback from internal contacts, such as current employees. Then, consult with an industry professional to eliminate expensive ideas early on. Next, pursue feedback from external processes. This will give your target market the opportunity to provide constructive opinions and critiques to your new product ideas. Use the feedback to evaluate responses and secure product validation. Surely, follow this stage in the product development cycle. 

Concept Testing

Next, follow the concept testing stage in the product development cycle process. Distribute a detailed version of your product idea along with a survey to consumers to get feedback. Include comprehensive questions to determine if consumers find your product easy to use and understandable. Also, allow consumers to provide detailed impressions of the overall product. Examine the needs and wants of your consumers.  Take these insights into consideration during the remainder of the product development stages. Additionally, your testing results will determine how the final product should look before market launch. Of course, include the concept testing stage in your product life cycles. 

Product Development

Certainly, another stage in the product development cycle is the product development stage. First, create a prototype of your new product to share with your stakeholders. The prototype demonstrates how the product will look and operate. With a physical product, you can evaluate the ergonomics and functional purpose. Next, create a minimum viable product (MVP) to acquire more feedback from product users. Release your product with minimal features to avoid unnecessary work in later stages of the development process. Additionally, as you identify new product requirements and issues, you can use user responses to make future changes. Surely, follow this stage in the product development cycle process.

Product Commercialization

Furthermore, another stage in the product development cycle process is commercialization. During this stage, focus on a profitable, large-scale launch for your product. You want to promote your product to the mass market. For example, discover how to do a press release. This will help you effectively capture and retain the interest of your target audience. Then, use social media marketing strategies to build consumer awareness. When thinking about pricing, set competitive rates based on total costs and the current market to increase revenue. Also, choose the right time to launch your new product based on consumer behavior, past launch user demands, as well as seasonal buyer trends. Certainly, commercialization is a vital stage within the product development cycle process.

There are several major stages of the development cycle process. The first stage to try is idea generation, which is where you come up with your new product idea based on various factors. Next, research and screen your idea to get feedback on your new idea. Certainly, follow the concept testing stage to receive feedback on your new product to consider later. Or, you can follow the product development stage to get an idea of how the product will work and function. Finally, follow the commercialization stage to promote your product to the market. These are the top major stages of the product development cycle process.

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