As a construction business or property company in New York City, you are probably familiar with the Building Trades Employers’ Association. For most of us however, this powerful association is relatively unknown. To give you a quick idea, they represent unions with employees from multi-billion dollar corporations.
What Is The Building Trades Employers’ Association?
With over 120,000 members included in their linked unions, BTEA is an organization committed to the well-being of a unionized construction industry in New York. They are engaged in labor relations, community leadership, safety and training and other fields. Furthermore, the building trades are an advocate in the media and hold important meetings for businesses related to construction in New York.
Planning On Entering The Building Trades?
If you are planning to enter the construction business in New York, this is probably an organization you will want to research in-depth. Or, when planning to purchase a commercial building, you might want to consider the costs of unionized construction in order to determine an appropriate market price. After all, money control is one of the most important aspects of business. In addition, for those who are planning to lease office space in New York, the rate of commercial buildings it at its highest in years with organizations like the BTEA making an impact.
Discounts And Savings
Another huge consideration that must be mentioned whenever discussing the building trades, there are many opportunities for discounts should you choose to become a member of the association. Just as with any other trades union, anyone in the construction trade can benefit from the Contractors Discount Center. This center can be found on the building trades website, and will connect to you to any and all discounts related to construction trades.
Apprenticeship Opportunities
In addition to discounts, you can also search online to find apprenticeship programs or private apprenticeships via various building trades websites. The best part of any trades union is the network and support it provides. Take advantage of the AFL-CIO, BTEA or any similar organization’s website. Sign up for their newsletters with your company email address. You will find many resources for construction business owners or professionals.
Neighboring Areas
As with any employee association, everyone stands to win when their interests are advocating for the economic viability of companies, employees and city overall. Any business must be competitive enough to compete in their economic climate. For NY construction corporations, that may just mean New York. But, it doesn’t mean that these companies should be held back from competing in neighboring areas like New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. As the relationship of the BTEA and construction companies continue, we hope that everyone can see the bigger picture for companies to earn handsome profits to expand and compete in markets outside their own.
Massachusetts Building Trades Council
Massachusetts also has an organization similar to that of New York. The Massachusetts Building Trades Council, or MBTC, is an organization that is almost 100 years old. It is dedicated to helping building tradesmen improve quality of life. Obviously, construction employees have a much tougher work day than the average commodity broker. The organization is comprised of 74 member locals. These 74 locals account for over 75,000 men and women members across the entire state. If you operate a building trade business in Massachusetts, this is definitely an organization you should learn more about.
If you are in the construction trade industry, use this post as a guide to the best opportunities for the growth and prosperity of your company. When trades workers come together, there is no telling how far they can go.
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