Surveys are one of the most frequently used methods of garnering information for customer research and to improve future marketing practices. If you are a marketing professional, you have probably created a marketing survey before. However, in order to create the most effective marketing survey possible, you may wish to take a closer look at this post. These tips will help you wow your bosses and your coworkers, alike. Here are the best techniques for creating the most effective marketing survey possible for your company.
Demographic Questions
This may seem like the most obvious portion of a marketing survey, especially to a professional like you. However, it is absolutely vital to understanding your company’s target audience. Without information regarding demographics, the rest of the responses on your marketing survey are absolutely worthless. Make sure to include these questions, even if you feel you already have a grasp on who your target audience is. This way, you will be better able to understand answers in relation to the ages, races, professions and genders of the participants. You may wish to cover all the basics – age, race, gender, location, profession, household income and size, education level. Or, you can pick and choose which demographics are most vital to the validity of the information gained from your marketing survey. Whatever you choose, remember the importance of demographic questions for an effective survey.
Demographic Survey Questions
Just as there are some essential elements when learning how to write a contract, there are similar requirements for marketing surveys. Here are some examples of the most common types of consumer market research questions you will see regarding consumer demographics:
- Age
- Gender
- Household size
- Household income
- Profession
- Education level
- Where do you live?
These demographics questions should always be included in any marketing survey you create. Do not forget them.
Personal Questions
Definitely include personal questions in your marketing survey. Utilize digital strategies to ask your customers why they are viewing your company. For example, if you sell tires, ask them specific questions such as “how important is it that your vehicle tires have run-flat safety functions?”. Provide your respondents with some example of the product you are offering and see how they rate them. Of course, use their answers to better market your products.
Planning Can Make Or Break Your Marketing Survey
Actually, proper planning can make or break most things you do in your career, even when it comes to something as simple as utilizing free digital signage. But this is definitely true of a marketing survey in particular. You need to make sure you make all your decisions before you actually seek to create the survey. Determine what you hope to gain from the survey, who you want to reach with it, how you are going to distribute it and ultimately what type of survey you will use. Doing so before you actually sit down to do the manual labor will help to maximize your efficiency and productivity. Having all this information organized prior will simplify the process, saving you time and your company money. Whenever you get something done on time, or even early, this reflects excellently on you. Your managers will take notice. So, make sure to properly plan for your marketing survey before you get started on creating it. This is absolutely vital to an effective survey.
Open Ended Questions May Be Just What You Need
The type of questions you decide to include in your marketing survey will be entirely dependent upon what information you hope to gain from your customers. If you are looking to gain a better view of who your customers are and what they value, open ended questions through mobile marketing surveys will be the perfect solution to make that happen. However, if you are looking for more quantifiable results, you will have to format your questions in such a way that open ended responses are not possible. This method will not provide you better insight into your customers. However, it will definitely provide you with definitive information that you can base future decisions on. Close-ended questions are much better for situations where you have exact questions you are seeking answers to. Open-ended are much better for a marketing survey seeking suggestions for improvements or desires for future products and services. Desire or improvements can include features and benefits for future updates.Whatever you decide, as long as you have planned properly, as mentioned above, you will be set up to create the absolute most effective marketing survey your bosses have ever seen.
If you are a marketing professional looking for tips to make your next marketing survey stand out from the crowd, look no further. The advice listed above will guarantee your next survey to be effective and well-received, and it will certainly help better inform your next guerilla marketing campaign. If you have any other advice on how to create the perfect marketing survey, leave it in the comments below. Your marketing colleagues will certainly appreciate it.